"Helen Ramsay" <r@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "MacHamish" <russj41@concentric.net> wrote
> > "Madra Dubh" <ccaine@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> > >Crap!
> > >Bested again.
> >
> > I have the advantage for now, Madra.  I'm already retired with nothing
> do
> > but sit here and post to scs while the snow piles up ootside.
> I saw a group of men playing golf in Chicago on the news today. The course
> was covered with snow and they were using red golf balls. I thought I
> recognised one of them, but then I thought, "Nah! Couldn't be." :)

My chain of thought:
Scotsmen, Kilts, winter, cold........ect, ect.