Re: Nintendo DS sticks a sword down PS3's throat - DRAGON QUEST 9 on DS, not PS3
"Rob Browning" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 00:14:27 -0500, "arnold kim"
> <> wrote:
> The reason why I mentioned the DS being underpowered wasn't because I
> particularly care about such things, but because it shows off how
> inconsistent Squenix is being. The first seven DQs (DQ7 in
> particular) had weak graphics, while DQ8 was quite pretty. Now DQ9 is
> going back to aesthetic mediocrity again.
DQ8 was made as an attempt to give the series more worldwide and
especially western appeal. I guess they realized it is okay for FF to be
the big RPG among western fans and DQ can be the big RPG in Japan.
Also graphics do not make the game.
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