Johnny and the old man
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Johnny and the old man
Little Johnny was walking down the road one
day and an old man was sitting on his front porch
rocking back and forth in his rocking chair.
The old man said, 'Whatcha got there, son?'
Johnny said, 'Got me some chicken wire.'
'Whatcha gonna do with that chicken wire, son?'
asked the old man.
'Gonna catch me some chickens,' said Johnny.
'You can't catch chickens with chicken wire,'
said the oldster.
Johnny just shrugged his shoulders and walked
on down the street.
About half an hour later, Johnny came back
passing the old man's front porch with three
chickens entangled in the chicken wire. The old
man was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.
A little later Johnny passed the old man's
porch. 'Whatcha got now, son?'
'Got me some duct tape.'
'And whatcha gonna do with that duct tape?'
the old man asked.
'Gonna catch me some ducks.'
'You can't catch ducks with duct tape,' said
the old man. Johnny just shrugged his shoulders
and kept on walking.
About half an hour later, back comes Johnny
with three ducks tangled in the duct tape. Again,
the old man rubbed his eyes in disbelief.
Half an hour later, Johnny was again passing
the old man's porch.
'Whatcha got now, son?' asked the old codger.
'Got me some pussy willow.'
The old man said, 'Wait right there while I
get my shoes!'
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