"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Bryce wrote:
>  > "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>  > news:40910206.8060900@yahoo.com...
>  >
>  >> Michael Cash wrote:
>  >>
>  >>> A few weeks back somebody asked about road rage and whether it
>  >>> happens in Japan.
>  >>>
>  >>> Well, last Wednesday one of my coworkers was arrested for
>  >>> slugging a guy who came up to him to offer an unsolicited opinion
>  >>> of his driving skills.
>  >>>
>  >>
>  >> Pretty ballsy (sp) to do that to go up to a trucker and tell him he
>  >>  can't drive for shit.
>  >>
>  >> John W.
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  > What's ballsy about that? When they get out of the truck they are
>  > still five foot 6. He's not fighting you "with" his truck.
>  >
> You need Over the Top. That'd educate you.
> John W.

How about under and between the legs?