Declan Murphy wrote:
> Its summertime back in Sydney, Oz, and since I haven't been there for 
> years I'm kinda missing it. For a start you can spend Xmas outside on 
> the beach in your T-shirt and avoid all the piped musak. Plus there is 
> the regional government' attitude to lawyers....
> "The Government has also legislated to prevent personal injury lawyers 
> advertising their services. This restriction does not apply to divorce 
> lawyers or conveyancers or anyone else, just the personal injury tribe.
> There has been a 50 per cent fall in the number of new personal injury 
> cases filed in the District Court this year. Common law claims for 
> industrial accidents are abolished so the old workers comp industry has 
> all but closed up shop.
> (the premier/governor thingee) Bob Carr is delighted: "The fact is there 
> will be fewer jobs for lawyers, but with their education they are well 
> placed to go into retraining"

<shivering>  Now I kind of understand why lawyers have been so 
offensively aggressive these days.  When they are really really in 
trouble, they probably may want to sue me, right? ... for "not using 
lawyers often enough".