This is a historic novel about a ship that voyages to above
the Arctic circle in 1905-1906. It is based on an unpublished
memoir or journal of one of the crewmen.

The sailor got hired onto a ship that traded with natives
of Alaska, Canada, and Siberia above the Arctic circle and
they got locked in ice over the winter of 1905-1906 along
with several of the whaling fleet ships.

The sailor's descriptions of weather, whale hunts, and native
culture are thrilling and, in some cases, wild. In one place
you learn how to build an oomiak (that's how it's spelled in
the book) which is a native canoe.

There sure was a bunch of stuff going on up there a 100
years ago: murders and kidnappings, not to mention the
weather and info about the captains and ships of the
whaling fleet.
