Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear Ye,

May the world now be notified...

The Marriott Hotel chain cut down over 75 beautiful, majestic, large,
healthy redwood trees around its Modesto, California hotel for no legitimate
reason. Hotel authorities refused to come out to speak to guests who wanted
to know why the massacre was taking place. Instead they sent out a young
girl who works as a minimum wage hotel clerk to say that they were being cut
down because they "block" their "Marriott Courtyard" sign!!

Redwood trees are indigenous to California and have been around for
thousands of years. They are much more beautiful than any hotel sign ever
could be!!

I am calling upon all tree loving and conservation minded people throughout
the world to send this message to as many people you can possibly think of
and to boycott all Marriott Hotels and Motels throughout the world until
such time that the Marriott Hotel chain replants at least 75 redwood trees
in the same spot from which it took them at the Modesto Marriott Courtyard.

Join with me and email this message to everybody you know and boycott,
boycott, boycott the Marriott and all of its subsidiaries!!

-Kevin McClarty