"Michael Cash" <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:45:51 -0700, "Bryce"
> <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on
> going with:
> >
> >"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
> >news:1KGib.327$l63.145@news1.dion.ne.jp...
> >> "Bryce" <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> > There's 2!
> >>
> >> But I thought you were looking for *fans*.
> >> I expect even most of us Japan-newbies have at least heard of them.
> >> Personally I wouldn't know what they sound or look like, but it is not
> >hard
> >> to guess.
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> Dave Fossett
> >> Saitama, Japan
> >
> >
> >wow.
> >
> In case you hadn't figured it out yet, Bryce, we're all sufficiently
> impressed with what a crusty old-timer you are. You can quit trying so
> hard. Time for the pony to learn a new trick already.

I don't see why you keep looking at it on those terms. It seems like some of
you guys are in the shower looking at bigger guy's sausages are something.
Give it a break already.
