"John Keiser" <john.keiser2@verizon.net> wrote in message news:FKBee.8298$db7.1034@trnddc01...

     I installed WinXP SP2 and found that the Toshiba runs just
     fine. One glitch. Try as I might, I never could get my NetGear
     WiFi card to work. I installed the new drivers at the Toshiba
     site but the card never established a connection despite many
     configurations attempts. Frustrating. I reinstalled Win98 and
     the WiFi is again fine. Dose anyone have direct experince with
     this? Thank you.

Hi John... Why are you installing drivers from the Toshiba site for
your NetGear WiFi card? Shouldn't you be going to NetGear's web site
and downloading their drivers for XP SP2?


Bill (using a Toshiba 2595XDVD under Windows 2000)
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