
In article 
<a244631d-7875-4c36-8b6e-cdf4f9da841d@q26g2000prq.googlegroups.com>, Declan 
Murphy <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote:
>On Nov 17, 4:15=A0pm, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (obakesan) wrote:
>> Well, now the Australian things so too
>> http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/business/story/0,28124,24662925-....
>> html
>The Ozstrayan sucks. If you haven't already done so, get a

sure ... I don't have a budgie anymore so theres little point in buying it in 
print either.

it was out of a sence of irony that I posted it "gosh, even the Australian has 
regurgitated this one"

>subscription to crikey.com.au

good suggestion

>> strangely enough I thought it had been in recession since at least 2000
>The article refers to the technical definition of a recession. If
>instead of 2 consecutive quarters of seasonal adjusted negative GDP
>output growth, the definition was changed to 2 out of 3, or 2 out or 4
>contiguous quarters, then you could stretch the bad times right back
>to the bursting of the babburujidai.
>And for some regional basket case economies such as Hokkaido, Miyazaki
>et al, possibly to before then.


See Ya
(when bandwidth gets better ;-)

Chris Eastwood
Photographer, Programmer Motorcyclist and dingbat
blog: http://cjeastwd.blogspot.com/

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