in article BY4ue.87398$tt5.15428@edtnps90, r0z at wrote on
22/6/05 4:31 am:

> wrote:
>> I've stumbled onto your e-mail. I'm a massive fan of Gibson, even his
>> latest which seems to go off into cool-hunting and trend-spotting
>> rather more than it does into new technology.
> yes indeed... his latest is quite a different flavour than most of his
> other novels (particularly the books comprising the "sprawl" series). i
> sincerely hope he has a new novel in the works as I am growing a little
> tired of re-reading the oldies :)
> r0z

I concur ! i've read the sprawl series so many times it's becoming a joke,
however, I do now have a superb battered copy of neuromancer that I'll never
give up. I don't know what to think of 'Pattern Recognition' certainly I
don't rate it as highly as his earlier work.

Also, you're right, newsnet has degenerated into a seething morass of viagra
and penis enlargement posts, and it is a shame to see a once marvellous
thing end up like this.


Be there in a New York minute... no shit.