in article, Ernest Schaal at wrote on 8/26/05 8:49 PM:

> in article, at
> wrote on 8/26/05 3:41 PM:
>> You know, street kids aren't as stupid as you think.
>> They happen to be very resourceful.
>> Just walk into any cybercafe, RENT a PC and boot knoppix from a cd-rom.
>> Then roast cds, download more songs and videos, chat online and send
>> unsolicited emails, simultaneously.
>> Very real, indeed.
> Sure, all those street kids know everything about computers because they
> went to computer camp and had computers in their schools.
> The more you write, the stupider you sound.

Sorry about that. On second reading, it became apparent that you were being
ironic. I didn't pay attention to the senders name, and I thought you were
the same poster who believes that copyright laws are unfair to street kids
because it limits their use of their expensive computer gear.