(Spirit Music € www.healingsounds.com)
September 6, 2005 --- $15.95 File: Healing/Meditation

³(TANTRA OF SOUND) provides a significant new approach to creating harmony
and balanceŠ²   
Deepak Chopra, best-selling author, lecturer, workshop leader

TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER (includes extensive 16-page booklet)

    Jonathan Goldman and Andi Goldman, whose ground breaking book Tantra of
Sound has taken the subject of the healing power of sound and brought it
into the arena of intimate relationships and personal growth for the first
time ever, have created a brand new recording, TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER.
This new musical CD enables individuals or couples to directly experience
how the profound effects of sound can be used to create improved health and

    ³Tantra² is the Sanskrit term for the interconnecting web that unites
all reality - what modern day scientists call the field.  ³Sound² is the
original vibratory creative force - the substance that makes up this
interconnecting field.

    While there is an instructional audio recording included with the book,
Tantra of Sound, the CD, TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER is a very different
sound experience.  

     Jonathan elaborates: ³The CD, TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER, is a
stand-alone tool that balances the chakras and brainwaves using a system we
call SynchroSound.  This CD represents a completely new dimension of sound
to heal and transform listeners, whether or not they have read  Tantra of
Sound.²  TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER features ancient sacred sounds,
psycho-acoustic frequencies, toning, chanting and musical textures; these
combine to create a profound tool for healing and transformation. It works
beautifully to enhance harmony within ourselves, and enhanced communication,
energy and intimacy with others.  It is extraordinary when used on its own,
but is also the perfect compliment to Tantra of Sound!

    For anyone wanting to create an environment of harmony and balance, the
separate and individually-sold music CD, TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER, takes
the therapeutic and transformational uses of sound to another level.
³People can listen to this recording and receive enormous and profound
benefits,² Jonathan enthuses. ³It¹s great when played through speakers, and
even better when heard through headphones!²


    Jonathan Goldman is a world-renowned authority in the field of sound
healing.  He is a pioneer in the field of harmonics and a Gold-selling
artist who has appeared on Grammy award-winning recordings. He is the author
of several books, including the seminal Healing Sounds (Inner Traditions)
and creator of numerous cutting edge, best-selling CDs including CHAKRA
CHANTS, the  Visionary Award-winner for ³Best Healing/Meditation Album² and
³Album of the Year.²   Director of the Sound Healers Association, Goldman
holds a Master¹s Degree, and is a lecturing member of the International
Society for Music in Medicine.

    Jonathan¹s wife, Andi Goldman, is a sound healer and licensed holistic
psychotherapist who created a pioneering psychotherapeutic sound counseling
service.   Together, Jonathan and Andi have created the brand new
groundbreaking book Tantra of Sound and the innovative music recording
entitled TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER to help people explore new dimensions of
sound as a therapeutic and transformative modality.

!Radio Programmers and Music Reviewers! Email media (at)
 musikinternational dot com for a sample copy, album information and
artwork. How-to-order TANTRA OF SOUND HARMONIZER
---Retailers call New Leaf 800-326-2665, visit www.newleaf-dist.com
<http://www.newleaf-dist.com/> <http://www.newleaf-dist.com/>