On 9/6/05 12:14, in article XP-dnQK1fa5nuTXfRVn-qw@suscom.com, "Boody
Bandit" <boodybandit@hotmail.com> wrote:

> "Zomoniac" <the_proper_one@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:BECDB3D8.2B3E9%the_proper_one@hotmail.com...
>> On 9/6/05 01:14, in article U6udnWbpMtq6FzrfRVn-jw@suscom.com, "Boody
>> Bandit" <boodybandit@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> "Brian Kvalheim [MSFT MVP]" <bkvalheim@publishermvps.com> wrote in
>>> message
>>> news:%23s80xxHbFHA.2076@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
>>>> Sounds like Kutaragi is worried. He should be :)
>>> Why?
>>> Do yah think MS might cut into that 100+ million PS2 sales with the 360
>>> ;-)
>>> I really don't think Sony is worried in this next gen. It is going to
>>> take a
>>> bit longer for MS to be a serious threat to Sony's userbase.
>> I don't see why, Sony annihilated the two hardware and software giants in
>> their first generation.
> But Sony did it out of the gate.
>> Gaming is unpredictable,
> IMO it's exactly the opposite.
>> although that said the more
>> mass-market and casual it becomes, the more predictable it will become.
> It already is mass-market and casual.  Die hard gamers are the minority not
> the norm.
>> Harry Potter 4 WILL get to number one. And yes, I suspect PS3 will win
>> this
>> gen on name alone, but it can't do it forever (at least I hope it can't).
> Nothing last forever but IMHO this next gen is already a lock for Sony.
> They have made all the right moves and they have all the momentum.  I don't
> see them slowing down a notch, if anything they are only gaining speed and
> their userbase is only going to keep on growing and growing and growing.

I can see price being a major factor though. I imagine that Xbox 360 will be
out here at £200 before Christmas. I very much doubt we'll see PS3 at less
than £399 and before next winter. Besides, I imagine that this generation
will see the end of any product catering for the people who actually care
about a good game and not recreating a film badly. Come PS4 I really fear
there will be literally nothing but sequels and tie-ins. And Nintendo have
just gone and lost several million pre-orders for Revolution by announcing
they're doing it all wrong. It's only a matter of time.
