in article, allan connochie at
allan@EASYNET.CO.UK wrote on 12/5/04 9:36 AM:

> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>> Brett,
>> I am curious. Considering that I never said that the Americans won the war
>> by themselves (either WWI or WWII), and considering that I specially
> pointed
>> out on numerous occasions the role of the Chinese and the Russians, I find
>> it amazing that you consider it wrong to point out the minor role that
>> Britain played relative to them and to the United States in WWII.
>> What has America done to you that has blinded your judgment so much?
> Not getting involved in any personal spat going on and certainly not getting
> involved in any American slagging but I think the above paragraph also does
> a great disservice to Britain's contribution, and when I say Britain I
> should really say the Commonwealth.  Belatedly although it was, Britain and
> France were the main powers to actually stand up to the Nazi menace.  Both
> the USSR and the USA were attacked or had war declared on them by Germany
> whereas Britain and France went to war over Germany attacking Poland.
> France had fallen and Britain stood with the Commonwealth though it was
> Britain itself that was in direct line of fire and threatened with immediate
> invasion.  The first half of the war in Europe involved Germany
> unsuccesfully assaulting a very stubborn Britain which did give the rest of
> Europe a significant breathing place.  Hitler didn't really want to fight
> the British.  Britain could have stood back and let him attack the Soviets
> at a much earlier date with no second front in the west!  Likewise the
> British and Canadian contributions to the D-Day invasions of Europe can
> hardly be described as minor.  In fact had Britain not first won the Battle
> of Britain would D-Day have been possible at all?  What would the future
> have looked like for the US had Britain not won the Battle of Britain?  The
> possibility of the American continent being surrounded by hostile Axis
> powers. Looking back on the war one has to admit that all the said countries
> made large and significant contributions.
> Allan

I think that we will have to respectfully disagree on this. The French
played little role in the war, and the English (prior to Africa) basically
survived the Battle of Britain. Even with the the war in Africa, and their
contributing role in Europe, it pales into insignificance when compared to
the role of Russian on the European front and the role of the Chinese on the
Asian front.