in article Xns95B48320FE2A4divakillers@, Rawhead Rex at wrote on 12/3/04 12:53 PM:

> Ernest Schaal <> wrote in
>> in article Xns95B3E669B439Fdivakillers@, Rawhead Rex at
>> wrote on 12/2/04 10:39 PM:
>>> Michael Cash <> wrote in
>>>> On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 06:14:21 -0600, Rawhead Rex <>
>>>> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>>> And the State Department says, "Get bent!"
>>>> Am I the only one missing the inside joke here?
>>> No joke, straight up. He applied to get his American citizenship
>>> back, but no dice.  Maybe he can lay under the Golden Gate bridge
>>> like Tamachan and get citizenship.
>> Didn't he make a big deal about renouncing his US citizenship?
>> Did he make any comment as to why he wants it back now?
> This is the Hokkaido gaijin grapevine, so put what stock into it that you
> want.
> Supposedly, his wife has finally had enough of him and he is going
> through a divorce right now.  On top of that, the place where he is
> teaching at is trying to run him out on a rail because he uses his
> classes as his private soapbox.  I guess the writing is on the wall for
> him and he wants to take his ball and go home...only mommy locked the
> door and didn't put a key under the rug.
> On one hand, it's kind of sad about the personal stuff, but on the other
> hand, if he didn't think life was one big self-promotion....

Too bad it made such a big deal about making sure they accepted his
renunciation of citizenship.