
Your following message shows a lot about your envy of America and how that
warps your thinking.

For one thing, you comment on how I forgot the Chinese, but ignore that I
was giving them credit earlier in the thread as playing a much bigger role
in the Asian battle than the British (including the Commonwealth Countries).

One telling remark was your stupidity of discounting the French because the
US didn't get militarily involved until 1941. Earlier in the thread I had
mentioned how the European war had stated in the late 1930s and the Pacific
war had started much earlier.

Another telling remark was your comment about the Russians playing a larger
role in WWII in the European theater than the Americans. I had readily
stated that, over and over. Are you so stupid that you didn't notice the
numerous times I said that the Russians did the most in winning the war. Are
you really so full of resentment at the lost empire that you lose the
ability to read?