in article cojqpf$8sh$, Brett Robson at
wrote on 12/1/04 4:10 PM:

> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> in article cojlkh$7h5$, Brett Robson at
>> wrote on 12/1/04 2:42 PM:
>>> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>> Brett,
>>>> I don't know about your country, but in the US the Army is part of the
>>>> military. As an Army officer, I was able to work with other branches as
>>>> well.
>>> As are firemen and police.
>>> As an army (lower case) officer you wrote contracts.
>> Brett,
>> I don't know what army you claim to be an ex-member of, but in the United
>> States, the firemen and the police are NOT in the military.
> therefore it is the same everywhere else in the world?

No, but you assumed that it was so in the US. In other words, you made the
same mistake that you attribute to me.

> There is a very good reason why the army badges of rank are
> nearly identical to the police force.
> There is a very good reason why I saluted the local Chief
> Superintentent and why two Federal Police saluted me.
> We are all part of the same rank system based on the Crown - no
> doubt a difficult concept for an American to understand.

No, but it appears hard for you to understand that the US system could be

> Ignorance and arrogance are a nasty combination.

But you have both.
> So you weren't a lawyer in the army. Excellent, I am sure you can
> entertain your lawyer friends with tales of how you earnt all
> those ribbons on your chest. The first is for signing up, the
> second is for passing boot camp ...

My ribbons were for service in Vietnam. What war were you in?
>>> (maybe by now you have worked out by now I am not British)
> :
> :
>> I didn't assume you were English, merely that you were associated with one
>> of the countries that once was part of their empire.
> The English Empire? You might want to check that one.

Are you saying Australia was not part of the British Empire?

>> The deification of
>> Montgomery does tend to indicate a British resident or at least a
>> British-wannabe. The inferiority complex indicates strongly toward Canada or
>> New Zealand, but you could be from Australia, or South African, or even part
>> of the Indian Continent. I am not certain you are from one of those
>> countries, but I admit that I would be surprised if you are not.
> Keep on with that line you'll wear it out soon enough. Your
> arrogance and hubris does not give others an inferiority complex.

Hey, I was right in assuming you could be from Australia, although my first
guess would have been Canada or New Zealand. Most Australians I have met are
not so British-wannabe as you appear to be.