Louise Bremner wrote:
> Ernest Schaal <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote:
>> in article 4TaSd.3535$Pz7.2458@newssvr13.news.prodigy.com,
>> necoandjeff at spam@schrepfer.com wrote on 2/21/05 10:32 AM:
>>> Walter Canady wrote:
>>>> Yea.  I was wondering if purchasing a rail pass was really the way
>>>> to go since time in Japan is fairly short.  Perhaps it would be
>>>> better to keep the sightseeing close to Gifu.  How about Tsumago
>>>> and Magome and the Nakasendo trail between?
>>> How about...not top posting.
>> Top posting is probably permissible where the response is a general
>> response to previous messages, rather than an item by item rebuttal.
> Slippery slope....
