Re: Jean F***ing Kerry Thinks Japanese Are Anti-AmericanTerrorists
On 1/23/04 0:19, in article, "Duke of
URL" <macbenahATkdsiDOTnet> wrote:
> In,
> Jason Cormier <> radiated into the WorldWideWait:
>> On 1/22/04 12:08, in article,
>> "Duke of URL" <macbenahATkdsiDOTnet> wrote:
>>>> Ahh - you think the joke could have been delivered without the
>>>> bookends? I think not.
>>>> What you are really saying is that you either still don't realise
>>>> that he was being humorous, or conversely, that while you realise
>>>> he was being humorous you prefer to come across in text as an
>>>> ignorant, humorless, obnoxious sonuvabich?
>>> Although he *tried* (with the cheese), the viciousness disqualified
>>> him.
>> Actually, it looks like the rest of the jury is outvoting you so
>> far...
> Hmph. Facts are not determined by mob opinion
Neither are they determined by a hypersensitive person trying to spin-doctor
after getting massively whooshed.
> So you liked the vicious parts?
See "hypersensitive" above...
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