in article UPYPb.5776$, Phil Healey at wrote on 1/22/04 3:15 PM:

> Louise Bremner wrote:
>> Phil Healey <> wrote:
>>> Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>> Phil Healey <> wrote:
>>> I also knew one guy in Japan who did technical translation for the Kyoto
>>> City government who generally pulled in that much.
>>> (Hell, I'm not that far away from it, either, and I don't do that much
>>> technical stuff.)
>> What sort of stuff do you do, then?
> Come to think of it, mostly technical stuff. But what I meant to say is
> I don't do much patent translation.

In that total are you counting the fees for your performances in live-sex
shows in Kabukicho? Those don't count as translations, despite the fact that
you might be a cunning linguist.

-- Remove pants to email me.