On 10/31/03 23:12, in article NoGob.43075$AU.32086@nwrddc01.gnilink.net,
"Kevin Wayne Williams" <nihongo@paxonet.kom> wrote:

> SR wrote:
>> The commonality is that each of these states favors legislation which
>> would allow its citizenry to buy prescription drugs from Canada rather
>> than pay exorbitant US prices.
> Just to point out that there are at least two other interpretations,
> both at least as slanted as yours:
> "The commonality is that each of these states favors legislation which
> would allow their citizens to deprive drug companies of their rightful
> profits by participating in international smuggling rings."


What nations like Canada prove is that the drug companies' profits are
exorbitant and can be lowered to more reasonable levels through single
marker purchasers. (i.e. The respective provinces' health insurance plans.)
I guess some people are willing to parrot the propaganda of the drug
companies. I hope these people received a large donation from the big
pharmaceutical companies for their efforts like the politicians currently
slamming the cheaper price of drugs north of the border.

The threats of these companies, and politicians such as Bloomberg in New
York City, are laughable. Watch how quick their patents are pulled (and the
ridiculous patent extensions that amount to nothing more than a name change
and a claim to help a slightly different ailment) to allow the generic
manufacturers earlier access to the Canadian market if the companies try to
stop sales to Canada to force them to do their dirty work.