On 7/11/03 11:46, in article
73fde4f0.0307110746.49474a39@posting.google.com, "John W."
<worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote:

> ghill18299@aol.com (GHill18299) wrote in message
> news:<20030711060449.03644.00000207@mb-m16.aol.com>...
>> You have a bachelor's degree.  You are therefore qualified for most teaching
>> jobs.  Go for the eikaiwas and you won't have your evenings free.  Go with
>> the
>> JET program and you have a long wait, but your evenings are free (and you
>> might
>> even be able to use some of their martial arts equipment for free).
> Personally I loved the later schedule of eikaiwas. For one thing, you
> can do part time stuff in the morning,

The vast majority of part time hours are available at times conflicting with
eikaiwa teaching hours.

> should you so desire. But I
> loved the early sunrises for bike riding or rock climbing, maybe a
> swim later in the morning or a trip to the gym or some studying, or
> even spend the morning sightseeing, then off to work.

The average person does not come home from work (usually after 9 for most
eikaiwa jobs) and go straight to bed. Assuming time for dinner, unwinding,
etc.,it's  probably closer to 11 or 12 (or later). Suddenly that morning is
not so long; especially when they have to get ready for work, travel to work
and be ready to teach by about 12.