in article, Jason Cormier at wrote on 7/4/03 1:40 AM:

> On 7/2/03 21:56, in article,
> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote:
>>>> Why does a country with 6% of the world's population pay 22% of the
>>>> UN's expenses?
>>> Because said country agreed to do so.
>> Therefore, if the county currently paying 22% of the UN's expenses
>> decides that enough is enough, and their share should be lower (say
>> 6%), that would be perfectably acceptable?
> They would need to renegotiate; they would also lose influence in the
> balance. It's up to them which is more important.

First, I think in the present system we have a LOT of power in that

Second, there does not appear any correlation with the amount we pay and our

Personally, I consider a major renegotiation is required.