We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that chuckers has
exploded. Flight director confirms that:

>On Oct 13, 11:44 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Jeremy Morely, Savoie's "lawyer" specializes in Japan ... for a fee.
>> The guy is basically an expert because he says he is.  I do not know if
>> he has ever been to Japan nor that he speaks even rudimentary Japanese.
>>   I will accept corrections to that if anyone finds differently.
>Re: Jeremy Morely:
><quote> Jeremy Morley has spent considerable time in Japan on business
>and personal matters. He formerly lived in Tokyo for more than six
>months. Jeremy is married to a Japanese woman from Takasaki.</quote>
>I don't know how they can even say that with a straight face.  It is
>still giving me the giggles.  A whole SIX MONTHS!  WOW!

I guess it took that long for him to locate a Japanese woman from Takasaki. Once
he had landed his catch, he was *outa* there, because he should know better than
anybody what would happen if he'd gotten caught getting divorced in Tokyo with
no legal legs to stand on!

The 2-Belo                           [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame  alt.fan.karl-malden.nose  alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
meow                   a brimful of asha on a 45                    meow

"If you can't be good, be colorful." -- Pete Conrad