Looks OK.  Let me think about.
BTW, good luck with your venture!

carlmarshall@cox-internet.com (Carl Marshall) wrote in message news:<469443331304@news.corenews.com>...
> http://www.mygiftland.com
> During these times of downsizing and corporate belt tightening, the people in
> this country are looking for ways to either increase their salaries or ways to
> cut home budgets. I'm no exception. I started "Carl's Gifts" as a way to offset
> the amount my employer and the government allow me to take home to take care of
> my own bills. Unlike the government or my employer, I'm not allowed to operate
> my home budget in the "red". 
> http://www.mygiftland.com
> However, due to increases in taxes, the cost of utilities, the cost of gas and
> all the other things that are necessary to even maintain our way of life, that
> doesn't even account for keeping up with the Jones' or getting ahead, I'm asking
> the folks who read this news file to at least go to my site and see what I have
> to offer. 
> http://www.mygiftland.com
> I'm struggling to make ends meet like a lot of you are out there also. I also
> have people who depend on my ability to help them financially. I also give to my
> church to help preach the Word of God. Right now I'm looking for an average of
> 1000 people to make a purchase of $100 to help me. On my site, I have a 20%
> discount on everything. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
> http://www.mygiftland.com
> If you want to make money, let me know and I can set you up as a Sub-Wholesaler.
> This is not MLM in any way shape or form. These are good products and these are
> good prices. Please help me and make a purchase.
> Thanks,
> Carl
> http://www.mygiftland.com