On Jun 3, 10:08 am, chuckers <chucker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 5:05 am, "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jun 2, 9:32 am, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > It was only the withdrawal of advertising money in response to
> > > hysteria from a small group of xenophobic dickwads that ended Wai Wai.
> > In the tradition of many English versions of Japanese sites, the
> > almost 2 year old explanatory stuff is still linked from the main
> > page:
> >http://mdn.mainichi.jp/20080720/20091021.html
> > > For years it generated traffic and advertising sales, and the Mainichi
> > > was quite happy to pocket the proceeds. Its BS that management "didn't
> > > know" about Wai Wai, or that the advertising department never browsed
> > > their own server stats.
> > I thought I recalled something about the content not putting Japan in
> > a positive light; it was a bit extreme at times (the oral sex world
> > record article might have been the straw that broke the camel's back).
> > I always liked my (few) interactions with Ryan and I think he merely
> > provided content that the audience wanted; . Wonder what he's doing
> > these days.
> According to The Age from about 2 years ago, Wai Wai became No No when
> 2Chan
> got wind of some of the stuff he was putting up.  Even the Hokkaido
> Crusader got to comment
> in the article.
> http://www.theage.com.au/world/japanese-set-the-blogs-on-sleazy-austr...

I like the idea of dropping a bomb on Australia (presumably we are to
because Ryan couldn't get a job here, and moved to Tokyo...)

The outrage over WaiWai reminds me a story told by JK Galbraith
of his time as Kennedy's ambassador to India. The Embassy
in New Delhi used to have weekly screenings of recent US
films, and one they showed was "Last Exit to Brooklyn".
The US expat community and others were upset
that the Indian elite were being shown the sleazy side
of life in the US. Galbraith mused that perhaps they
were expected to show only films of "homely Iowa
maidens baking apple pies."
