On Apr 18, 2:44 pm, The 2-Belo <the2b...@msdREMOVETHIS.biglobe.ne.jp>
> We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that Martel has
> exploded. Flight director confirms that:
> >On Apr 12, 7:30?pm, chuckers <chucker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:03:57 AM UTC+9, Martel wrote:
> >> > We were discussing safety in our FRC robotics team meeting today and
> >> > someone pondered the Japanese term used to remember workplace safety.
> >> > Something like mora, blah, blah, blah, blah
> >> > any ideas appreciated
> >> The only thing that springs to mind is 安全第一 (anzen dai-ichi) which
> >> is posted at every construction site.
> >I am thinking it is more along the lines of
> >The five M's or S's of safety
> I used to work at a subsidary of Ibiden that planned industrial waste water
> processing facilities. We were drilled in the 4 S's of safety:
> 整理 (seiri) = organization, getting rid of unneeded items.
> 整頓 (seiton) = organization, keeping necessary tools easily available.
> 清潔 (seiketsu) = cleanliness, keeping clothing and equipment clean to prevent
> accidents.
> 清掃 (seisou) = cleanliness, keeping the workplace clean and trash-free.

Makita (my first company in Japan) included shitsuke 躾 (しつけ) in their
indoctrination. Mebbe Ibiden were more free thinking :-)