Re: interesting little video clip by a pissed off student
On Nov 6, 5:53 pm, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
> On Nov 6, 9:52 am, wrote:
> > chuckers <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 5, 4:16 pm, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > And how is that much different than any other University in Japan?
> > Or office, before the bosses show up?
> I'm not sure about the bosses - my staff are remarkably active before
> I rock up each day. The complaint the student was making was that most
> of his?/her? classmates were asleep during the actual classes - and
> these are supposedly interactive language classes, not lectures. I can
> understand sleeping through the odd lecture, especially if you can
> watch video footage of the same lecture on demand.
> This wasn't at a university, but a language prep school. Almost all of
> these students work all night (illegally), and then sleep in the
> classes during the day. As long as they are physically present in the
> classroom, Immigration doesn't seem to care (whether they care about
> the same people working more than the allowable hours per week is a
> different issue). Neither it would appear does the school.
I am sorry, I missed the fact that this was a school for foreigners.
Kind of
hard to tell.
But again, the tertiary level of some schooling in Japan can leave a
lot to be desired.
Or rather, the motivation of some students attending tertiary level in
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