Dear Sumo friends!

It's that time again!  You are all cordially invited to participate in
my two games, Sekitori-Toto and Sekitori-Oracle!

Don't be confused between Sekitori-Toto and Sekitori-Oracle, they are
both different games, and both worthwhile playing :)

The objective of both games is, to try to correctly predict the outcome 
of all bouts involving the 70 Sekitori at the next basho.

In Sekitori-Oracle, you submit your picks BEFORE the basho begins,
guessing the win/loss records you expect each rikishi to have at the
end of the tournament (for example, Asashoryu 14-1, Takamisakari, 8-7,
etc.) - depending on how close you are to the actual outcome, you will
score points.

Sekitori-Toto is played DURING the basho.  On all 15 days of the
tournament, you get to pick the 30 or so winners of the daily bouts
(or, if you are not sure who will win a bout, you can pick "X" for a
guaranteed half point!)

Both games are a lot of fun, and are ideal for you to play "first"
amongst the other sumo prediction-type games out there, because they
will "force" you to consider the entire spectrum of Sekitori before you 
narrow your choices down to come up with your selections in the other games.

Both games also feature smaller prize categories besides the Yusho
award, and  a Nations' competition - so be sure to represent your
country proudly, and to help your team mates out in bringing the glory
home! :)

Beginning from Haru Basho 2004, Sekitori-Toto offers nice PRIZES for the 
Yusho winner, who will receive *three printed Tegata* of their choice, 
and to the "Rookie of the Basho", who will receive *one printed Tegata* 
of their choice.  These exciting new prizes are courtesy of John 
Gunning, a.k.a. Zenshoyusho's Rare Sumo Items for Sale on eBay (see his 
items at
So join in the fun, and who knows, you may win some Tegatas! :)  And in
Sekitori-Toto, you are also playing for "cyber-medals" and an entry on 
the prestigious Medals Presentation Page - :)

On top of that, the Sekitori-Oracle Yusho winner gets a REAL trophy
sent to them!   You can see what it looks like at !

Worth a try, isn't it? ;)

IMPORTANT RULES NOTE: unlike in real sumo, "kosho" status will STILL be 
given to players who miss ONE basho, but they MUST notify me of their 
absence BEFORE SENSHURAKU.  So, if you will be absent, please submit 
your KOSHO request, else you will be given a 0-15 score.  Kosho will of 
course be given only "once in a row" - two absences in a row will always 
result in a 0-15 ;)

You can reach BOTH games though the portal page at - or individually, at:


Pre-registration for Sekitori-Toto is now open.  Please be sure to
pre-register for the next basho, because if you don't, you might
encounter a few problems related to scoring later on.

Unfortunately, the annoying ERROR that pops up after people register has 
not been fixed yet.  When you register for the basho, please DISREGARD 
the error message you get - the registration itself works fine!  If you 
have any doubts whether you are registered or not, just drop me an 
email, and I'll confirm it myself.

As for Sekitori-Oracle, it is now officially open for you to make your

So, I wish you good luck, and have fun playing!
Sekitori-Toto & Sekitori-Oracle Kyokai Rijicho
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZENJIMOTO Ken'ichiro <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        Play Sekitori-Toto:
      Play Sekitori-Oracle:
           Super Banzuke: