"Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in
> news:oDmLa.28067$Kg7.1557@nwrdny01.gnilink.net:
> >
> > "Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> > news:Xns93A87DDF319D7nospamnoscom@
> >> bartron2k2@hotmail.com (Makoto Taniguchi) wrote in
> >> news:195ad9c0.0306280129.66991c53@posting.google.com:
> >>
> >> > grunt100@msn.com (grunt100@msn.com) wrote in message
> >> > news:<5ba2f89c.0306271814.3e1b8cbd@posting.google.com>...
> >> >> shuji__matsuda@hotmail.com (shuji matsuda) wrote in message
> >> >> news:<bdh08q$s4dvb$1@ID-37799.news.dfncis.de>...
> >> >>
> >> >> > :If Japan was to remdeem its past, Japan would not have elected
> >> >> > :officials such politicians with apoligist view of Japan's past.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Kim DJ who contributed billions of dollars to NK was an elected
> >> >> > official of South Korea, which, accroding to your logic, defines
> >> >> > South Korea as an NK ally.
> >> >>
> >> >> Care to qualify this billions of dollars to NK?  Maybe billions of
> >> >> Japanese dollars?
> >> >>
> >> > Japanese Dollars? what have you been smoking?
> >>
> >> Suji, why the retort in such way?  Grunt was asking
> >> a genuine question.  You made the outlandish
> >> statement and you have the obligation to back it up,
> >> instead of resorting to such childish retort.
> >
> > It was Makoto who said that- not Shuji which you misspelled as suji
> > anyway and any IDIOT knows that it's Japanese Yen not Japanese
> > Dollars. All your comment did was to show that you are as retarded as
> > grunt.
> OK, I erred and I offer apology to Shuji.
> Now, USA, what I erred was misidentification
> of a name, which can happen to anybody.  Even
> then, I made a mistake and I offered an apology.

Whoa...the one you need to apologize to is Makoto, not Shuji.
It is Makoto whom you called an idiot.

> However, you call people names based on your own
> ignorance.  Read Shuji's posts.  Did he say "yen"
> or "dollar?"  This is the direct quote from Shuji.
> >> >> > Kim DJ who contributed billions of dollars to NK was an elected
Kay..Shuji was obviously talking about US Dollars.
If that was not clear, grunt could have said "australian dollars" or
"canadian dollars".
But to come up with "japanese dollars" was just plain idiotic.

> I bet you do not apologize for your mistakes.
> It is not in you.  The only thing in you is profanity,
> right?

Nope I have no problems apologizing when I am wrong and I have done so in
the past.
It's just that YOU are hardly ever right about anything you say, hence you
simply are unlikely
to receive an apology.
However, I AM sorry that you are retarded.