This Teaching says,
"The will is a precious gift, because it is
the line of decision in all we do and all we will
reap from what we do, when we are faced with
the Reality of Judgment from God."

NOVEMBER 3,1983 AT 12:35 P.M.

    $B!H(BWhat supposedly legitimate weak excuse
does man have, accepting his helplessness
against his vulnerability to acting profanely,
following despicable, degenerating ideas, and
presentation of immoral pictures, acts and
personal participation in degenerate bodily
and mental abuses?

     Excuse is not sufficient, it is only a
manner of putting the blame on $B!F(Bsomeone
else$B!G(B or a $B!F(Bsituation of enticement$B!G(B, $B!F(Bintrigue
or personal weakness$B!G(B.

     Gullibility is based on personal
indifference, personal weakness, or personal
desire of temptation for risk, for risqu$(D??(B

     Every day is a given amount of time by
God that is filled with responsibility. This
responsibility has its physical side, its mental
part, and its spiritual reality, when one is
faced with a decision of what is right, what is
wrong, for any part of the physical, mental or
spiritual. The will of the individual is not
replaced, allowing a foreign object to take
over, but the will of the individual has total
responsibility to make the correct decision.

     The will is a precious gift, because it is
the line of decision in all we do and all we will
reap from what we do, when we are faced with
the Reality of Judgment from God.$B!I(B

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
$(D??(B Copyright 1996 FMK. All rights reserved.
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.