Cancer - Press Review (April 13, 2013) – Revue de presse (13 avril 2013)
Cancer – Press Review – Revue de Presse
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Press Review (April 13, 2013) – Revue de presse (13 avril 2013)
How Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Implemented Washington's Death With
Dignity Act
By the end of 2011, most of the 255 Washington residents who received
a prescription for lethal medication to end their lives under the
state's Death with Dignity Act had been diagnosed with terminal
cancer. Of those, 40 were patients at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance,
part of the Pacific Northwest's only National Cancer Institute-
designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
In Science Daily
Alcohol Doesn't Affect Ability to Survive Breast Cancer
Breast cancer patients who raised a glass or two a week may even enjoy
slightly longer lives than those who didn$B!G(Bt drink.
By Alexandra Sifferlin. In TIME
Endometriosis treatments lower ovarian cancer risk
A novel study shows women who undergo surgical treatment for
endometriosis have a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer.
According to results published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Scandinavica, a journal of the Nordic Federation of Societies of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, hormonal treatments for endometriosis did
not lower ovarian cancer risk.
In EurekAlert (press release)
Naturally-Occurring Substance Proves Effective Against Deadly Skin
Cancer in Test Tube and Mice Studies
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the mechanism of
action of gossypin, a naturally-occurring substance found in fruits
and vegetables, as a treatment for melanoma, which causes the majority
of deaths from skin cancer.
In Science Daily (press release)
Researchers Engineer 'Protein Switch' to Dissect Role of Cancer's Key
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School
of Medicine have "rationally rewired" some of the cell's smallest
components to create proteins that can be switched on or off by
command. These "protein switches" can be used to interrogate the inner
workings of each cell, helping scientists uncover the molecular
mechanisms of human health and disease.
In Science Daily (press release)
Some Skin Cancer Survivors Still Use Tanning Beds
Say it isn$B!G(Bt so. A recent survey found that even people who have
survived melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — fail to
protect themselves from the sun, and even continue to tan.
By Alexandra Sifferlin. In TIME
AACR news: Studies show increasing evidence that androgen drives
breast cancer
Overwhelming evidence adds a major new target in breast cancer:
Androgens including testosterone.
In EurekAlert (press release)
Bisph$(D??(Bnol A et cancer : les preuves s'accumulent
Rarement – jamais peut-$(D??(Btre – une agence de s$(D??(Bcurit$(D??(B sanitaire aura
rendu des conclusions aussi alarmantes sur un polluant $(D??(B ce point
omnipr$(D??(Bsent dans notre environnement quotidien. Au terme d'un travail
de longue haleine ayant rassembl$(D??(B les contributions d'une centaine de
scientifiques, l'Agence nationale de s$(D??(Bcurit$(D??(B sanitaire de
l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (Anses) a rendu
public, mardi 9 avril, un avis sur le bisph$(D??(Bnol A (BPA) singuli$(D??(Brement
inqui$(D??(Btant pour les g$(D??(Bn$(D??(Brations $(D??(B venir.
Par Paul Benkimoun et St$(D??(Bphane Foucart. Dans Le Monde
Cancer : un Canadien de 16 ans optimise un traitement pour tuer les
cellules malades
Un $(D??(Btudiant canadien de 16 ans, Arjun Nair, a obtenu un prix des
laboratoires Sanofi pour ses recherches sur une th$(D??(Brapie
anticanc$(D??(Breuse. Le jeune homme a optimis$(D??(B la th$(D??(Brapie de la
photothermie en utilisant des nanoparticules d'or chauff$(D??(Bes qui tuent
les cellules canc$(D??(Breuses
By Emmanuel Perrin. Dans Maxisciences
CANCER de la PROSTATE: Identification du premier facteur g$(D??(Bn$(D??(Btique de
Des chercheurs du Centre national de recherche en Oncologie espagnol
(CNIO) viennent d$B!G(Bidentifier des mutations h$(D??(Br$(D??(Bditaires dans le g$(D??(Bne
BRCA2 qui pr$(D??(Bdisposent les patients atteints de cancer de la prostate
$(D??(B un risque accru de m$(D??(Btastases et $(D??(B un pronostic d$(D??(Bgrad$(D??(B.
Dans Sant$(D??(B Log
En bref : pourra-t-on traiter le cancer sans effets secondaires ?
Les m$(D??(Bthodes de traitement actuelles du cancer entra$(D??(Bnent souvent de
lourds effets secondaires. En am$(D??(Bliorant une ancienne technologie par
radiation appel$(D??(Be BNCT, une $(D??(Bquipe de recherche a mis au point une
m$(D??(Bthode de soin ciblant seulement les cellules canc$(D??(Breuses.
Par Agn$(D??(Bs Roux. Dans Futura Sciences
Risque de cancer avec un m$(D??(Bdicament tr$(D??(Bs utilis$(D??(B contre l'arythmie
L'amiodarone, un traitement tr$(D??(Bs utilis$(D??(B contre l'arythmie cardiaque,
accro$(D??(Btrait le risque de cancer, surtout chez les hommes ainsi que
chez tous les patients prenant de fortes doses, selon une $(D??(Btude
publi$(D??(Be dans la derni$(D??(Bre $(D??(Bdition de la revue am$(D??(Bricaine Cancer.
Dans AFP
Cancer Blog – Marc Lacroix – Le Blogue du Cancer
Marc Lacroix-Corman – InTextoResearch – Baelen (04/2013)
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