On Jun 2, 12:00 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 05/28/2010 05:52 PM, Declan Murphy wrote:
> > Its going to take a long time to change the word(s) used to describe
> > children of mixed heritage. Also is bullying a separate problem?


> Although there is one kid, the
> class clown, who is built like a fire plug -- 128cm x 36kg (and whose
> father is PTA president) and doesn't seem to have gotten the message,
> yet. She dropped him in the dirt and blackened his eyes yesterday after
> he tore her jacket.  I had to go apologize today.  Kid's father told me
> having a girl beat the shit out of his son was probably the best thing
> that happened and that he hopes the kid learns humility, now.

Wise old man.