Re: Router Problems - Are there any English guides ?
On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 22:20:50 +0900, "Elbow"
<> brought down from the Mount tablets
>So where do I go from here?
>I think the jpn router modem box (choose) will have to take a flying jump.
>Since plugging it in a few programmes are not working like they did when I
>was with yahoobb (no Im not going to go and join them).
>Im told I have to forward ports or something.
>Is there anyway to just use this f*cking thing as a modem?
>Seems Ive gone from one language problem to another.
>I'll see if NTT will take it back and swap it for something I can configure.
>Unless someone has any better ideas. Im all ears.
It looks like you have the same sort of NTT routermodemthingy that I
do, and I didn't do a damned thing to mine in order to open ports.
You need to do this instead, most likely, on your internet connection
in your control panel in Windows. (Assuming you're using Windows, of
Michael Cash
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Dean of Admissions
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