On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 19:43:27 +0900, "a jap" <jap@japland.com> wrote:

>"Raj Feridun" <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 15:57:41 +0900, "a jap" <jap@japland.com> wrote:

>> >Wrong, we have the nigger problem and the niggers are the Whites like
>> >and the honorary Whites of chinks and Koreans of your buddies.

>> Interesting, but if whites in Japan (not to mention Koreans and
>> "chinks") are "niggers" how do people of color here classify? You're
>> not even a real "Jap", are you? I'll bet you're a self-hating white
>> boy.

>Insulting, calling as a White boy is the biggest insult toward the Japanese.
>The Whites are the niggers in Japan. The Whites bitch to every Japanese and
>Japanese things including culture, civilization while it's not their
>business. They even bomb Japan, rape Japanese girls. They suck us. So
>calling a Japanese person as White is the biggest insult. Did you see it,
>you little boy?

Jeez, I really seem to have struck a nerve here. I am  afraid you are
suffering from terminal Xenophobia. I'm afraid it is beyond treatment
at this point and I just hope the suffering is not too great.

Dr. Raj