WIKIPEDIA is now politically correct to use as a reference resource

8th December 2007, ResearchBuzz notes:
"OCLC Hooks Up With Wikipedia"
. . . " search over a billion items in
over 10,000 libraries around the world."
" Now the xISBN service has been hooked up
with Wikipedia!  That means you can enter a URL
and have xISBN generate a list of related URLs,
and then check those URLs against the ISBNs
on Wikipedia."

November 2007, Amazon Kindle, an electronic
book (e-book) service is launched in the United States
The Official Kindle product page notes:
" Includes free wireless access to the planet's
most exhaustive and up-to-date encyclopedia--"

November 27, 2007, Inside Higher Education
News adds, under . . . New Ways to Collaborate . . .
"How does the university develop its academic enterprise?"
. . . "And now that both Microsoft and Google offer tools that
allow students to publish their work -- and edit it, in real time,
with others -- the adoption of these Web services presents
an opportunity for universities to evolve their approaches in
the classroom as well" . . . such as "posting term papers on
Wikipedia to be peer-edited by classmates" . . .

October 29, 2007, Inside Higher Education News
suggests: "The shift to thinking about placing the term
paper as a Wikipedia encyclopedia entry allows for
another level of peer review," . . .

August 27, 2007, the Taipei Times noted:
Academics debate Wikipedia's value . . .
. . .
  "For S.T. Huang . . . , associate professor of the
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,
the online encyclopedia, with its use of the open-source
software "Wiki," can be used to preserve "disappearing
local knowledge."   Huang and some local activists in
southern Taiwan have been dedicated to the task of
accumulating local knowledge for more than 10 years.
He said that Wikipedia will help the team establish
a local knowledge database for Taiwan that can be
accessed by people all over the world."

Earlier reference:
A Case Study on the Veracity of the "Wiki" concept . . .

Regional Genealogy and Local History Research:
Local History and Genealogy Portals to the World.
Regional genealogy and local history research includes:
areas, countries, directories, ethnic group populations,
organizations, local ancestry and local history studies.

Respectfully yours,

Tom Tinney, Sr.
Who's Who in America,
Millennium Edition [54th] through 2004
Who's Who In Genealogy and Heraldry, [both editions]
Family Genealogy & History Internet Education Directory
Professional worldwide humanities and social sciences mega portal,
connected directly to thousands of related sub-sets, with billions of
primary or secondary database family history and genealogy records.
It encompasses all other key worldwide genealogy and surname sites.

P.S.  The "political correctness" phrase was a subtle statement
by the writer that compared the rise of Wikipedia and its
compilation by the "unwashed" educated masses, with
the rise of the American democratic process; the creation
of the Constitution of the United States, wherein a society
was ordered by former "unwashed" people, who had the
audacity to believe that the common man could self-govern.
UNWASHED: ignorant, plebeian

WIKIPEDIA continues to be politically correct,
as amended daily.  The historical perspective
or context is my mention of the creation of the
Constitution of the United States, which was
made for change, (through an amendment process),
as required by future generations.  "The United States
Constitution is the oldest enduring written
national Constitution."   So Wikipedia, which
is amended daily, should have a similar future.
AMENDMENT: The act of changing for the better;
improvement.  A correction or alteration, as in a manuscript.

POINT OF ISSUE:  There appears a clear usage trend,
indicating Wikipedia will over time, become central to
higher education curriculum and teaching methods,
in all language formats, worldwide.

October 31, 2007 Wikipedia project is a class act
. . .
[University of New South Wales Associate Professor
Andrew Collins has just completed a 10-week project
with his advanced immunology class, requiring students
to correct errors and fill the gaps in Wikipedia articles
related to immunology. . . .

Universities around the world, from the University
of Hong Kong to MIT to Yale, have run similar
projects for certain courses.

The site, now ranked among the ten most-visited
websites in the world, . . .]

The British Library, "The world's knowledge",
among other things, uses Wikipedia directly,
at: The Web Archiving Programme.
"The Web Archiving Programme has been set up to
put in place systems that enable the British Library
to become the point of first resort for anyone who
wants to access a comprehensive archive of material
from the UK Web domain".  I note on External links:
Wikipedia: Web Crawler

Peer Review: "The British Library is a founder member
of the UK Web Archiving Consortium and chairs the
steering committee.  The archive contains over 2100
different sites, over 1000 of which have been contributed
by the team at the British Library."

Wikipedia is used in Library of Congress Authorities.
"Using Library of Congress Authorities, you can browse
and view authority headings for Subject, Name, Title
and Name/Title combinations; and download authority
records in MARC format for use in a local library system."
This service is offered free of charge.