Re: OT: Wills and a Public Trustee
Apud Kevin Gowen <> ( hoc legimus:
> wrote:
>> Curiously I was just reading a short story by 宮本輝 which
>> involved a handwritten unwitnessed will. Seems it'd be honoured.
>I used holographs simply as an example of ways wills can be valid in one
>jurisdiction but not another. I wasn't talking about whether holographs
>are kosher under Japanese law.
>My guess is that the short story was fictional, though.
Most short stories are 8-)}
>>> Another wrinkle is that Australia is an Anglo-American common law
>>> system, while Japan is a quasi-civil law system. For example, there is
>>> no equivalent to the 公証人 in Australia.
>> Thank goodness. (I see Prodi is trying to get rid of them in
>> Italy, and striking heavy weather.)
>Hmm. I became a fan of the civil law notary once I learned about it. I
>plan to take the notary exam here once I'm eligible to sit for it. (five
>years of practice in Florida)
Well, in the case of Italy it's not so much a matter of getting rid of
them as reducing their role to what is necessary and appropriate. At
present even the sale of second-hand motor bikes needs to be notarized.
A friend of ours in Paris had an interesting notary problem. Her
apartment, which had been vacant while she was working away from
Paris, turned out to be occupied by a person who was renting it
from someone who'd broken in, then had the locks changed. The trouble
was that the occupant had a duly notarized rental contract. In other
words a notary had signed off either without doing the checks he/she
is required to do, or was corrupt and doing it for a bribe.
Either way, it was a hellava job to get the "tenant" out as the
authorities didn't want to move against someone who had a notarized
contract. Our friend, in effect, had to prove that the "contact"
was bogus because, prima facie, if it was notarized it was legal.
Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
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