On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:36:30 +0900, Scott Reynolds <sar@gol.com>
belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>On 7/11/2003 7:42 AM, Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>> Scott Reynolds <sar@gol.com> wrote in message news:<beis0u$jbi$1@newsflood.tokyo.att.ne.jp>...
>>>When I heard about how the boy had been killed, and the circumstances of 
>>>his abduction, I immediately thought that the culprits must be boys not 
>>>many years older than the victim. Now we find out that a 12-year-old boy 
>>>appears to be responsible. Creepy.
>[I corrected "How" to "Now" in the above. Now embarrassing!]
>> What made you think that? 
>Because of the similarity of the circumstances to the Bulger case.
>> I thought it was an adult pedophile who
>> prefers boys. There's been more of that reported recently.
>Really? In Japan? My impression is that in Japan such cases tend to be 
>reported as simple murders, and the sexual aspect is hushed up.

Adults usually do a better job of disposing of the bodies. Kinda hard
for a 12 year old kid to transport and hide a body, even that of a 4
year old.


Michael Cash

"There was a time, Mr. Cash, when I believed you must be the most useless
thing in the world. But that was before I read a Microsoft help file."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College
