On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 16:40:43 GMT, mr_mac_daddy45@SPAMSUCKShotmail.com
(Greg Macdonald) belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 01:02:13 +0900, Curt Fischer <crf3@po.cwru.edu>
>used up some bandwidth to say: 
>>Jason Cormier wrote:
>>> On 7/10/03 20:52, in article bel1pq$6erpl$1@ID-105084.news.uni-berlin.de,
>>> "Kevin Gowen" <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I hasten to add that grading papers can be done during work hours.
>>> A teacher's job is not only teaching classes and grading papers. There are
>>> other things that must also be done during work hours, or outside of them.
>>> > Teachers
>>> > are not teaching in the classroom every minute they are in the school
>>> > building. Once this fact is considered, the hourly wage of a teacher jumps
>>> > up even further. I would be very surprised to learn that the average
>>> > teacher's classroom time, grading of papers, lesson planning et cetera add
>>> > up to over 40 hours a week.
>>> Then I guess that I surprise you.
>>Do you average 40 hrs/week over a 52 week period?
>I don't know about him, but I do. Stating that only time spent in
>front of a student should count as 'work' is as dumb as saying
>firefighters are only working when they are actually fighting fires.

How long is summer vacation in the Great White North? Any other
vacations that run at least a week or more? 


Michael Cash

"There was a time, Mr. Cash, when I believed you must be the most useless
thing in the world. But that was before I read a Microsoft help file."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College
