Great Sale of Software for Trading !!! I believe it is a scam !!! Be

Someone by the email and called himself Edwin
Mann (may not be a real name) has posted in many Usenet groups in
January 2008 listing out a long list of trading/investment software
for sales.

After communicating with this Edwin Mann a few times, I have paid
USD90 through Western Union on Feb 19, 2008 for one of the software
and got a reply that the software will be uploaded asap. After
numerous emails follow up, on Feb 27, 2008 (8 days after I paid) this
Edwin Mann eventually sent me a link to download a file. I downloaded
the .exe file and run it. It only generated a screen flash which I
could not visualize what it was (I am now really afraid that my
computer may have afflicted with malicious program).

As of today, Feb 29, I still have not got what I want. This Edwin
Mann's response was so slow after receiving the payment.

I believe that this is a scam. I extremely doubt that this Edwin Mann
really has such a large collection of trading software for sales.

So don't fall into the same trap as me. I want everybody knows about
this so that you won't be the next victim.