"Ed" <gwbush@whitehouse.gov> wrote in message news:<be2vsb$t3p$1@cobalt01.janis.or.jp>...
> "Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@justice.com> wrote in message
> news:cd9d8d4b.0307031739.230bc5b7@posting.google.com...
> > Back in earlier days, there were complaints about the noise created by
> > US jets flying overhead. Now that the US military has substantially
> > reduced its presence the main four islands and the Self-Defense Forces
> > took over, how come there are no published complaints about the high
> > noise level by the Japanese fighter planes. Gifu is near a SDF air
> > base, and I have heard more noise from fighters in two years as I did
> > from airliners in twenty years in the Bay area.
> I don't get many low flying fighter jets due to the mountanous terrain
> around my house, but those big two prop helicoptors that the SDF fly past my
> house are noisy as hell and take a hell of a long time to get to where
> they're going.

How low do they fly, under a 1000 feet?
Try bottle rockets. If that doesn't work.........roman candles.
I guess it depends on how pissed you are about it.

Good Luck!
