New World Translation - John 1:1c - "and the Word was a god."

Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses' "New World Translation" Bible and its 
rendering of John 1:1, it may interest you to know that, in support and 
explanation of their wording of this verse (especially within the third 
clause with "a god"), there is soon to be published a 19+ year study (as of 
6/2011), a thoroughly researched reference work - an historical analysis & 
exhaustive annotated bibliography - it will be entitled, "What About John 

To learn more of its design and expected release date, you are invited to 

When finally published, apart from discussing many of the other topics and 
scriptures often related to the man-made Trinity doctrine, you will also 
discover that we have collected information on about 430+ scholarly 
reference works (mostly Trinitarian) which, throughout the centuries, had 
opted to say something other than, "and the Word was God," and that, 
included among them are over 120 which had chosen to use "a god" within the 
third clause of their renderings.

As you might expect, we are very excited at the opportunity to share our 
findings with others.

Agape, JohnOneOne.
