On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 00:15:03 -0800, <-acm200noAddie@notValidAhem.Com>

>"Alan F Cross" <alanx@proaxis.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
>> If you're into predictions, this will interest ....
>> http://bythom.com/2004predictions.htm
>(that page written By Thom Hogan)
>As you can tell I'm not a photo person, I'm just musing. AS proof, I
>incorrectly recalled the name kyocera. should have been konica. German,
>japanese, algerian - they all sound the same.                     :-)
>".. fold.
>Minolta/Konica, Leica, Hasselblad (. "
>It's interesting that he hasn't mentioned those foreign "knock off" brands.
>Chinon Zenit  Kiev ... maybe they've been gone for years?
>I am wondering when the 3, 4, and 5mp digital guts will be adapted to the
>"basic" $200-250 SLRs, since they represent optimized lens and automatic

I think you will find they are already headed in that direction
although the "good stuff" will probably stay around $500

>everything at a budget. I wonder what has prevented this happening already.
>Maybe the size of the CCD has to be much different for SLR size lens?
>". they say, "fax that too me, will you?" "Hey, I'll do better than that, I
>just captured it with my CamPhone and sent it to you via email ."

Every time a business says that to me I ask them if they have e-mail.
Then I tell them I've never found a use for fax as e-mail can do the
dame thing and faster.  If it's an electronic doc, send me an e-mail
and attach the doc.

I really can't see a use for fax any more.

>CellFax, that's not surprising. For years, the fax software companies have

I had a devil of a time with purchasing a new cell phone. I couldn't
convince them I only wanted a phone to 'talk on". I didn't want
instant messaging, I didn't want photos, I didn't want a pager. I
simply wanted a way to talk to people.  I definately didn't want ANY
of that stuff on my cell phone.  I want to be available, but not that

>tried to push their own weirdoid "email fax" fuddy duddy. But although I
>haven't yet actually TRIED using a camera as a scanner, I have used the
>scanner to make color photos of small objects. On the computer monitor, the
>result looks like a photo. I suppose the same pic taken with a camera would
>be at a macro setting.

I'll still stick with a plain cell phone and use the camera like a

You'll have to fix the return add due to dumb virus checkers
Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair?)

>This is a great site:
>" Someone will figure out that travelers no longer need or want one-hour
>    "
>well, duh. Starbucks and all have those 'hotspots'
>ready to connect to those printer kiosks.
>". malware is coming.. "
>reminding us of recent articles about cell phone standardization and
>"appearance" of cell malware. CellCam malware, "convergence"  :-)
>but CellCams will dominate only after cell phones eliminate typical hardwire
>phone accounts.
>Futurism is fun.
>".. "stock up on these films .."
>yeah, slide film hasn't been common.
>is also interesting.
>" .. Adobe, who continues to not understand digital photography very well,
>uh, Adobe is a dinosaur, but do well because the software industry/products
>has already mostly attained "commodity" status (marketing dependent rather
>than performance dependent).
>" ..[his Dec 2003 annotation:]  Ritz Camera has announced the $11 Dakota
>digital disposable (as has Walgreens). .. "
>I don't visit Walgreens, but I have recently seen the Ritz disposable
>advertised. I think they advertised for more than $11. As Hogan says, the
>"disposable digital" concept is bizarre.
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