Re: Japanese culture is obviously superior
"TXZZ" <> wrote in message
>2 things:
> 1. Korea was just china's delivery boy, and china is a horror land
> which no one should resepect. And this is just the form; the innate
> respectability of japanese culture is the substance
> 2. Korea is the real eunuch of asia; divided and occupied by the US
> Anyway at least your post wasnt half as retarded as any of your hun
> posts
You Japs are a miserable loner in the far east Asia, Chinese and Koreans do
not respect you Jap midgets.
They never did. You have been despised and will be despised in the future.
Once you lose respect, it takes a long time to recover it and in the mean
time, you pretty much have to be a miserable sucker of this Uncle of yours
who killed you innocent people by millions.
That's the most despicable dilemma you Japs have and have to think deeply
about it.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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