"x" <someone@somewhere.cxm> wrote in message news:<bvOZa.118985$4UE.46214@news01.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com>...
> "John Smith" <stellar_one@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:7a0d22d3.0308101702.720ed353@posting.google.com...
> > Why is it ok to slander people who live in trailers?
> >
> > What makes this generalization, which is both racist and classist,
> > acceptable but the french waiter joke or the black joke beyond the
> > pale?
> >
> > Someone please explain.
> >
> the same things that make the joke acceptable.
> it's not acceptable, but it's used as a contrast to make a point.

A contrast to what? To make which point? 

Well I appreciate your acknowledgement that it is an odious term. By
the way I don't think a french waiter joke is as condemnable as the
hypothetical black or anti-poor white joke.