BIOS password bug in Toshiba notebook
I have a Toshiba satellite M105-S3084 which is 11 months old. On this
notebook I use a BIOS password which works fine for me even after
hibernation. Then suddenly, for no reason, the Toshiba notebook would
no longer accept my BIOS password as valid and refused to let me access
the notebook PC.
I called Toshiba support and because the computer still had 3 weeks
warranty on it, I was told to go to an authorized Toshiba repair shop to
have the password reset - which I did. BUT, the repairman, (who told me
by cmos battery and everything else was OK) told me he had a service
bulletin that said there was a known bug (!!) that would abruptly
"regenerate the Bios password" and that there was no fix when that
happened except to reset the password by an authorized repair shop. The
resetting was free this time because I still had 3 weeks warranty on it
but that after the warranty expires it would cost me $50 to have it
This is ridiculous. Has anyone else heard of this. Does anyone know if
this bug is only if I use the "Toshiba Assist" utility to set the
password and could I avoid it if I set it through the BIOS setup on
booting? Can the "Toshiba Assist" utility be uninstalled since the bug
might be in it.
Are there BIOS password resetting utilities I could use to avoid having
to pay the next time this happens? Any suggestions?
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