Re: New Apple ipod nano
is want of love. Thess. 2.
The foundation of religion. It is the miracles. What then? Does God speak
against miracles, against the foundations of the faith which we have in Him?
If there is a God, faith in God must exist on earth. Now the miracles of
Jesus Christ are not foretold by Antichrist, but the miracles of Antichrist
are foretold by Jesus Christ. And so, if Jesus Christ were not the Messiah,
He would have indeed led into error. When Jesus Christ foretold the miracles
of Antichrist, did He think of destroying faith in His own miracles?
Moses foretold Jesus Christ and bade to follow Him. Jesus Christ foretold
Antichrist and forbade to follow him.
It was impossible that in the time of Moses men should keep their faith for
Antichrist, who was unknown to them. But it is quite easy, in the time of
Antichrist, to believe in Jesus Christ, already known.
There is no reason for believing in Antichrist, which there is not for
believing in Jesus Christ. But there are reasons for believing in Jesus
Christ, which there are not for believing in the other.
827. Judges 13:23: "If the Lord were pleased to kill us, He would not have
shewed us all these things."
Hezekiah, Sennacherib.
Jeremiah. Hananiah, the false prophet, dies in seven months.
II Macc. 3. The temple, ready for pillage, miraculously succoured.--II Macc.
I Kings 17. The widow to Elijah, who had restored her son, "By this I know
that thy words are true."
I Kings 18. Elijah with the prophets of Baal.
In the dispute concerning the true God and the truth of religion, there has
never happened any miracle on the side of error, and not of truth.
828. Opposition.--Abel, Cain; Moses, the Magicians; Elijah, the false
prophets: Jeremiah, Hananiah; Micaiah, the false prophets; Jesus Christ, the
Pharisees; Saint Paul, Bar-jesus; the Apostles, the Exorcists; Christians,
unbelievers; Catholics, heretics; Elijah, Enoch, Antichrist.
829. Jesus Christ says that the Scriptures testify of Him. B
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