(IV$(D??(BN): Espigas feas son sus hijos nacidos para comer espigas divinas: pan y vino del Padre (su Hijo Jesucristo):
S$(D??(Bbado, 14 de Agosto, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
Espigas feas son sus hijos nacidos para comer espigas divinas: pan y vino del Padre (su Hijo Jesucristo):
Misericordiosamente, familias de las naciones hab$(D??(Ban ya nacido en la tierra y nuestro Padre celestial deseaba comer y beber con ellos de su fruto, del $(D??(Brbol de la vida, en el epicentro del para$(D??(Bso, por el cual $(D??(Bl hab$(D??(Ba llamado a Ad$(D??(Bn y a Eva a comer de $(D??(Bl, comiendo as$(D??(B con ellos vida que trae amor, glorias y honor a su santo nombre fuegos. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba comer con sus hijos, como Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva junto con sus hijos, de su alimento siempre compartido con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, como su familia divina perfectamente conocida en la gloria angelical, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl crecer con ellos con grandes riquezas nunca antes vistas por nadie, y ya era el tiempo para conquistarlas todas ellas.
Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial a$(D??(Boraba comer con sus hijos de su misma gloria siempre vivida con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo junto con las huestes angelicales, pero esta vez, $(D??(Bl buscaba un mayor reino, en donde $(D??(Bl ser$(D??(B amado y enriquecido por sus Hijos en toda una tierra nueva, que solamente come y bebe de $(D??(Bl toda una eternidad entera. Realmente, una vez que nuestro Padre celestial le hab$(D??(Ba dado vida a Ad$(D??(Bn y luego a Eva junto con los hijos, e inmediatamente fueron llamados todos a comer del fruto de vida con $(D??(Bl en lugar del fruto prohibido, porque s$(D??(Blo $(D??(Bl necesitaba comer con ellos de su misma vida, como el pan y vino siempre celebrado con su Hijo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial estaba listo para crear nuevas cosas jam$(D??(Bs antes vistas (ni pensadas tambi$(D??(Bn), reemplazando las antiguas, contaminadas por Lucifer y un-tercio de los $(D??(Bngeles rebeldes en contra de su santo nombre fuegos de la gloria celestial, por ello, $(D??(Bl necesitaba crear un reino nuevo, en donde sus hijos comer$(D??(Ban siempre de $(D??(Bl, sin jam$(D??(Bs conocer el pecado toda una eternidad entera. Realmente, esto empezar$(D??(Ba un reino nuevo, en donde cada creaci$(D??(Bn suya, como angelicales y de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba nacida de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, comer$(D??(Ban de su pan y vino, porque no hay pecado posible alguno en su vida, su misma vida sant$(D??(Bsima saliendo de su coraz$(D??(Bn victorioso sobre todo enemigo y lleno de su santidad perfecta siempre.
Realmente, esta es una vida gloriosa, nacida del coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial, vivida ya con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, en donde no hay pecado posible jam$(D??(Bs, porque no hay tinieblas posibles en $(D??(Bl, sus hijos y sus huestes angelicales, por ende, no hay dolor, enfermedades, o sentimientos malos, sino solamente amor enriqueci$(D??(Bndonos a todos nosotros siempre toda una eternidad. Por cuanto, esta es la vida, que tu coraz$(D??(Bn siempre ha buscado vivirla sin jam$(D??(Bs encontrarla en este mundo, por razones de la presencia de brujer$(D??(Bas que las gentes siempre hacen sin entender jam$(D??(Bs el mal que se est$(D??(Bn haciendo ellos mismos (o hacia otros), por ello, t$(D??(B has fallado en encontrarla hasta que t$(D??(B renaces del agua, entrando enteramente en ella finalmente.
Entendiendo que, nosotros nacimos de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial, su alma sant$(D??(Bsima y su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, en donde el pecado jam$(D??(Bs existi$(D??(B en la eternidad hasta encontrarlo en el coraz$(D??(Bn malvado de Lucifer, que necesitaba poseer su santo nombre fuegos para lograr su voluntad de tinieblas con poderes que solamente emanan del Padre hacia la tierra entera, alegrando su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo siempre. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial te entreg$(D??(B esta vida gloriosa por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, alegrando tu coraz$(D??(Bn much$(D??(Bsimo, porque no hay pecado en $(D??(Bl, y que solamente existe en ti, cuando vives en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, as$(D??(B como su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo vive en $(D??(Bl: am$(D??(Bndote a ti $(D??(Bnicamente para conocer riquezas, paz, prosperidad y alegr$(D??(Bas interminables toda una vida entera.
Absolutamente, nuestro Padre celestial estableci$(D??(B su misma vida sobre la tierra entera, bendiciendo a sus hijos ca$(D??(Bdos en el pecado de Lucifer, como cuando Eva y luego Ad$(D??(Bn creyeron en la serpiente, haci$(D??(Bndolos comer del fruto prohibido, para que ellos jam$(D??(Bs amen, sirvan y honren su santo nombre fuegos en la Creaci$(D??(Bn; sin embargo, nuestro Padre siempre tuvo poderes para hacernos vivir nuevamente. Por lo tanto, para que esto suceda, entonces nuestro Padre celestial empezar$(D??(Ba a comer con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de su pan y beber de su copa de vino, que es su man$(D??(B del cielo arriba y su sangre expiatoria con poderes quitando pecados, pero igualmente entregarnos vida abundante con amor y riquezas nuevamente, y as$(D??(B, sus hijos regresen a vivir nuevamente.
Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba empezar a comer de su pan y vino, que es su Hijo Jesucristo nacido en la tierra, naciendo en una familia dispuesta a obedecer su voz, y este fue Abraham con su esposa Sarah y con su vientre est$(D??(Bril sin darle un hijo; por ello, ellos necesitaban ayuda de $(D??(Bl, para lograr el hijo que siempre esperaron verlo llegar. A tiempo, nuestro Padre celestial pudo decirle a Abraham, que su esposa Sarah tendr$(D??(Ba un hijo en el siguiente a$(D??(Bo, que $(D??(Bl se sorprendi$(D??(B de o$(D??(Br que un ni$(D??(Bo ya venia finalmente a su familia, despu$(D??(Bs de haber esperado tanto por $(D??(Bl, que $(D??(Bl ya sent$(D??(Ba que grandes d$(D??(Bas ven$(D??(Ban hacia $(D??(Bl y sus amados, porque ahora si tendr$(D??(Ba un heredero para sus fortunas.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial fue complacido por Abraham al tener a su esposa Sarah con su vientre est$(D??(Bril sanado, por poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, su mismo Esp$(D??(Britu entre en su vientre, convertido en su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo para que su Hijo Jesucristo nazca con el pan y vino, que sus hijos participaran de $(D??(Bl siempre con $(D??(Bl por generaciones venideras. Realmente, este fue el pan y vino, d$(D??(Bndole vida no solamente a Isaac, pero igualmente a Jacobo con los doce patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes, que necesitaban nacer en alg$(D??(Bn lugar de la tierra, porque necesitaban descender a Cana$(D??(Bn para vivir all$(D??(B hasta que Satan$(D??(Bs los ataque a ellos con hambruna, porque Satan$(D??(Bs necesitaba empezar a establecer su reino de tinieblas con mucha hambre en aquellos d$(D??(Bas.
Ciertamente, este seria un hambre eterna, afligiendo a toda vida humana en la tierra no con las familias de aquellos d$(D??(Bas, pero igualmente a sus hijos de generaciones venideras, porque Satan$(D??(Bs necesitaba establecer su reino de tinieblas, ofendiendo a su santo nombre fuegos siempre; sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba a Israel tray$(D??(Bndonos riquezas, enriqueciendo la humanidad entera para su reino de amor eterno. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba establecer su amor asombroso e infalible siempre sentido por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en la eternidad, que huestes angelicales desde que fueron creadas entonces ellos han aprendido a vivirla, conociendo amor, poderes y riquezas sin fin hasta hoy, y as$(D??(B, ellos amen, sirvan y honren su santo nombre fuegos con perfecta santidad siempre.
As$(D??(B es como. Lucifer junto con un tercio de $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos aprendido del santo nombre fuegos de nuestro Padre celestial y de sus poderes asombroso, despleg$(D??(Bndose cuando necesario, que ellos quedaron impresionados poderosamente aun m$(D??(Bs all$(D??(B de sus imaginaciones m$(D??(Bs salvajes, por las cosas que se lograr$(D??(Ban con $(D??(Bl, sintiendo ellos as$(D??(B la necesidad de poseerlo, creando seguidamente su reino de tinieblas para controlar el reino angelical siempre. Empero, el santo nombre de nuestro Padre celestial no se aparta de $(D??(Bl ni de su Hijo Jesucristo ni de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo para ser de huestes angelicales, porque es propiedad de su familia divina, por ello, Ad$(D??(Bn naci$(D??(B para que Eva y sus hijos poseerlo, creando nuevas tierras para su reino de su amor inagotable, poderes y de riquezas por una eternidad entera.
Aun as$(D??(B, para los hijos de nuestro Padre celestial poseer su santo nombre fuegos con todos sus asombrosos poderes cotidianos, despleg$(D??(Bndose por milenios por toda la tierra, entonces, ellos ten$(D??(Ban que haber comido ya de su $(D??(Brbol de la vida, que es su pan y vino, que s$(D??(Blo su Hijo Jesucristo puede serv$(D??(Brselos a ellos sobre su Mesa santa por generaciones venideras. Por lo tanto, era importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo entrando en el vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, emergiendo $(D??(Bl del vientre sin vida, san$(D??(Bndolo, como su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo finalmente entregarnos a Isaac con la carne sin pecados y su sangre expiatoria, reiniciando as$(D??(B su vida eterna en la tierra, empezando en Cana$(D??(Bn, y sus hijos vean vida pronto, siempre enriquecidos.
Francamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente a Abraham y a Sarah comiendo de su pan y vino de su Mesa santa, servida siempre por su Hijo Jesucristo a sus huestes angelicales del cielo, viviendo as$(D??(B una vida gloriosa, complaciendo a su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo para bendecir, honrar y exaltar su santo nombre fuegos, pero tambi$(D??(Bn para bendecir la tierra entera para siempre. Evidentemente, para nuestro Padre celestial no solamente necesitaba tener a hijos prometidos a Abraham naciendo para $(D??(Bl del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, sanado, como su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo para que Isaac nazca en Cana$(D??(Bn, pero ahora, $(D??(Bl tambi$(D??(Bn lograr$(D??(Ba tener a sus hijos de las naciones renaciendo de su carne sin pecados y su sangre expiatoria, bautiz$(D??(Bndose en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre.
Concluyentemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a hijos de Abraham, naciendo de Isaac, como Jacobo en Cana$(D??(Bn y luego los once patriarcas israel$(D??(Bes naciendo en Padan-Aram, llam$(D??(Bndolos finalmente para que todos regresen a vivir en la tierra, en donde Jacobo naci$(D??(B, para empezar a recibir riquezas de Cana$(D??(Bn, porque ellos ten$(D??(Ban que llevarlas a una tierra extranjera, Egipto, enriqueciendo la tierra entera $(D??(Bltimamente. F$(D??(Bsicamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba empezar a enriquecer la tierra, porque Lucifer estaba decidido a empobrecerla con una hambruna, un hambre que borrar$(D??(Ba toda vida humana y animal igualmente de la humanidad entera, por ello, $(D??(Bl deb$(D??(Ba ya tener su carne sin pecados viviendo en Cana$(D??(Bn y gozando de riquezas cotidianas, para enriquecer una naci$(D??(Bn extranjera que destruir$(D??(Ba la gran hambruna de Satan$(D??(Bs siempre.
Aqu$(D??(B es cuando, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que tener ya a Jos$(D??(B abandonando Cana$(D??(Bn, vendido por sus once hermanos a una caravana de extranjeros Ismaelitas por veinte piezas de plata, que luego ellos lo vender$(D??(Ban a Potifar, un egipcio de la guardia, por treinta piezas de plata probablemente, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl, pasando los a$(D??(Bos, sea el segundo en mando ante Fara$(D??(Bn de Egipto. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Jos$(D??(B, como segundo en mando en Egipto ante Fara$(D??(Bn, porque Satan$(D??(Bs estaba decidido a empobrecer la humanidad entera, destruyendo as$(D??(B todo rasgo de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las familias de las naciones, logrando as$(D??(B su reino de tinieblas con hijos de Dios perdidos en pecados.
Realmente, Satan$(D??(Bs ten$(D??(Ba planes destructivos para los hijos de nuestro Padre celestial en la humanidad entera, destruyendo as$(D??(B toda carne: porque una carne bautizada en agua, milagrosamente invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, recibe un lavado poderoso no solamente del cuerpo entero, pero igualmente de su coraz$(D??(Bn, alma, mente y esp$(D??(Britu humano, haci$(D??(Bndola perfecta y santa, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es eternamente. Visto que, esto es lo que nuestro Padre celestial le aseguraba a Abraham, que $(D??(Bl necesitaba ser perfecto y santo, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es en la vida eterna para vivir con $(D??(Bl, por lo contrario, $(D??(Bl siempre fallar$(D??(Ba en ver vida con sus hijos en generaciones venideras, y esto fue el llamado al bautismo en agua para todos nosotros alrededor del mundo hasta hoy.
Esto es correcto: Esto fue el llamado de nuestro Padre celestial a renacer para ver vida nuevamente con $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque solamente $(D??(Bl con sus hijos prometidos, ser$(D??(Bn su Israel eterno, pero igualmente las naciones prometidas a $(D??(Bl, porque los gentiles fallar$(D??(Bn en ver vida a no ser que todos ellos obedezcan al llamado a bautizarse en agua. Por lo tanto, Satan$(D??(Bs necesita parar a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de bautizarse en agua, empezando con Abraham y sus hijos prometidos, empobreciendo as$(D??(B la tierra entera antes que ellos despierten a la verdad para obedecer el llamado de nuestro Padre celestial a bautizarse todos, establecido con Abraham inicialmente, haci$(D??(Bndolo perfecto y santo instant$(D??(Bneamente, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es en la eternidad.
Empobrecer la tierra significa que Satan$(D??(Bs junto con sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos estaba dispuesto a parar el flujo de agua por doquiera, causando as$(D??(B hambruna, y sembr$(D??(Bos fallen, logrando que las gentes sufran la necesidad de agua y comida, y vidas humanas y animales igualmente cesen de existir eventualmente; consiguientemente, no agua para ning$(D??(Bn bautismo a no ser que vayan a la playa cercana. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Jos$(D??(B interpretando sue$(D??(Bos de Fara$(D??(Bn: las siete vacas gordas y hermosas junto con las que eran feas y flacas, trag$(D??(Bndose no solamente las hermosas y gordas, pero igualmente a familias de las naciones, matando as$(D??(B a toda vida humana y animal igualmente para empezar su reino de tinieblas, deshonrando finalmente su santo nombre fuego con hambre eterna.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba una fuerza, deteniendo a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y la muerte de empobrecer la tierra, porque $(D??(Bl estaba dispuesto a destruir a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba, haci$(D??(Bndolos sufrir la necesidad de sus cosas esenciales adem$(D??(Bs de agua y alimentos, por ende, ellos se inclinar$(D??(Ban a $(D??(Bl y su nombre inicuo, en lugar de su santo nombre fuegos en Cana$(D??(Bn. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial ten$(D??(Ba a Cana$(D??(Bn llena de riquezas siempre, riquezas jam$(D??(Bs antes vistas en la gloria angelical ni por la humanidad entera en la tierra ni menos por Satan$(D??(Bs y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, que destruir$(D??(Bn a Satan$(D??(Bs y su reino de tinieblas, estableciendo as$(D??(B su grande reino de su amor eterno, enriqueciendo la Creaci$(D??(Bn enteramente, como jam$(D??(Bs ella ha conocido riquezas antes.
Por cierto, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Jos$(D??(B, como la carne sin pecados y la sangre expiatoria, viviendo ya en Egipto, interpretando los dos sue$(D??(Bos de Fara$(D??(Bn, que uno fue de siete vacas hermosas y siete feas saliendo del rio, bautizados en agua, las vacas hermosas se bautizaron en el santo nombre fuegos mientras que las feas y flacas en el nombre de la bestia. La bestia que necesita destruir la tierra entera con hambre, ordenada por Satan$(D??(Bs y la muerte, ciertamente empobreciendo las naciones, destruyendo as$(D??(B al hombre y animales igualmente, y nuestro Padre celestial no establezca su carne sin pecados y la sangre expiatoria, que realmente enriquece diariamente a la humanidad, porque sus riquezas descienden continuamente desde el cielo arriba sobre cada hijo suyo, bautizado ya en agua.
Igualmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba el segundo sue$(D??(Bo de Fara$(D??(Bn interpretado sobre los siete granos creciendo en la rama, torn$(D??(Bndose feos y secos por el viento solano, que es tan caliente como el infierno, sin embargo, de la misma rama emergieron buenos granos, devorados por los granos feos; ambos sue$(D??(Bos ten$(D??(Ban la misma interpretaci$(D??(Bn de pobreza y de destrucci$(D??(Bn para la humanidad entera. Ciertamente, el primer sue$(D??(Bo significo que nuestro Padre celestial iba a tener a Israel antiguo abandonando el cautiverio egipcio, bautiz$(D??(Bndose en el Mar Rojo, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entrando as$(D??(B al desierto de Sina$(D??(B para encontrarse con la humanidad entera ya perdida, torn$(D??(Bndose en una semilla santa con todos ellos milagrosamente.
Seguramente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo clamando por agua ya dentro del desierto de Sina$(D??(B, despu$(D??(Bs de caminar por tres d$(D??(Bas, sin encontrar ninguna hasta que quejaron ante Mois$(D??(Bs, como quej$(D??(Bndose ante nuestro Padre celestial y su Hijo Jesucristo, a que se les den agua; y el Se$(D??(Bor le dijo a Mois$(D??(Bs s$(D??(Bgueme hacia un $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de aguas amargas de Mara. A Mois$(D??(Bs le dijo el Se$(D??(Bor toma el $(D??(Brbol con tus manos y camina con $(D??(Bl hacia las aguas amargas, endulz$(D??(Bndolas, al tirarlo $(D??(Bl en ellas, porque las aguas amargas eran las naciones antiguas y modernas, amargadas por el pecado, pero ellos pudieron ser endulzados por el $(D??(Brbol, para Israel antiguo poderlos beber enteramente, convirti$(D??(Bndose instant$(D??(Bneamente con todos ellos en una semilla santa perpetuamente.
Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo junto con las naciones, bebidas enteramente por todos ellos, como aguas endulzadas, comiendo ahora de su pan, el man$(D??(B del cielo arriba, pero igualmente beber de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn, as$(D??(B ellos jam$(D??(Bs tengan ni sed ni hambre nuevamente, porque ellos ser$(D??(Bn un $(D??(Brbol eterno, su cruz, llevando su santo nombre fuegos para siempre en Cana$(D??(Bn. Realmente, estos fueron d$(D??(Bas, que nuestro Padre celestial siempre espero vivirlos con sus hijos de Israel junto con antiguas y modernas familias de las naciones, al comer y beber con ellos de su pan y vino del cielo arriba, y as$(D??(B, todos ellos juntos vean vida nuevamente pronto en Cana$(D??(Bn, para glorias de su santo nombre fuegos en toda la tierra entera finalmente.
Infaliblemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba enriquecer a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las familias de las naciones con la casa de Israel desde el cielo arriba, su man$(D??(B, que $(D??(Bl mismo come normalmente con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo sobre su Mesa santa, porque todos ellos estaban por entrar al para$(D??(Bso sin pecado alguno, a su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba recogido cada pecado del pasado y del futuro de las familias de las naciones con su Israel antiguo, naciones que ya yac$(D??(Ban en el infierno tormentoso, pero igualmente de sus hijos, viviendo en generaciones futuras para descender maldecidos por el pecado y el mal sin ver vida nuevamente, sino solamente muerte y pobreza toda una eternidad entera.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba bautizado a Israel antiguo, despu$(D??(Bs de recoger pecados cometidos en contra de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de generaciones pasadas y futuras, entonces, $(D??(Bl logr$(D??(B reducir los siete a$(D??(Bos de riquezas descendiendo del cielo arriba, combatiendo los siete a$(D??(Bos de hambre, emergiendo del infierno, para que la tierra entera sea salvada finalmente con riquezas cotidianas siempre. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba reducir riquezas de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, derramadas sobre la carne sagrada y sangre expiatoria de Isaac desde postes del infierno a ascender a postes del reino angelical y su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque su S$(D??(Bbado eterno que enriquece la tierra entera necesitaba ser celebrado en S$(D??(Bbados venideros hasta ver su reino de amor, poderes y riquezas interminables manifestarse finalmente.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a la tierra entera enriquecida desde postes del infierno, como el Valle de los huesos secos, con Israel esperando y la humanidad clavados sobre la cruz del Rey Mes$(D??(Bas, que una vez yac$(D??(Ba cerca de aguas amargas, endulzadas por Mois$(D??(Bs, finalmente entrando al para$(D??(Bso y la gloria angelical, como el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, su Templo, Casa de oraci$(D??(Bn para las naciones. Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba ejecutado lo necesario, removiendo pecados de la humanidad entera y su tierra, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba a Israel antiguo con hijos de las naciones antiguas y modernas entrando al para$(D??(Bso y la gloria angelical, por el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, porque el pecado empez$(D??(B all$(D??(B arriba hacia $(D??(Bl y su santo nombre fuegos; entonces, $(D??(Bl necesitaba el pecado removido primero all$(D??(B arriba.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba el pecado removido del cielo primero, siguiendo al para$(D??(Bso, porque Lucifer se rebel$(D??(B en contra de su santo nombre fuegos con un tercio de $(D??(Bngeles, adem$(D??(Bs, la serpiente del Ed$(D??(Bn, enga$(D????(B a Eva, enga$(D??(Bando a Ad$(D??(Bn e hijos al comer del fruto prohibido, fallando as$(D??(B todos en amar, servir y honrar su santo nombre con riquezas interminables del cielo arriba. Indiscutiblemente, Lucifer empez$(D??(B su rebeli$(D??(Bn sobre nuestro Padre celestial y su santo nombre fuegos, y as$(D??(B, falle siempre en ser amado, servido y honrado por sus hijos nacidos de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque cuando $(D??(Bl le daba vida entonces dijo: cre$(D??(Bmoslo, para que sea as$(D??(B como uno de nosotros siempre.
Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial no quer$(D??(Ba crear m$(D??(Bs $(D??(Bngeles, m$(D??(Bs bien, $(D??(Bl deseaba tener a sus hijos naciendo de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, y as$(D??(B, ellos amen, sirvan y honren su santo nombre fuegos con su perfecta santidad, conquistando as$(D??(B riquezas, glorias y poderes nunca tocadas por el pecado all$(D??(B arriba y en su Creaci$(D??(Bn entera, como la tierra, por ejemplo. Evidentemente, Lucifer necesitaba remover al hombre de la gloria angelical, y as$(D??(B, ellos fallen siempre en ser perfectos y santos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque $(D??(Bl realmente dijo: cre$(D??(Bmoslo, as$(D??(B como uno de nosotros, conociendo el bien y el mal, poseyendo nuestro santo nombre con sus asombrosos poderes cotidianos de toda una vida eterna.
Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo no solamente recogiendo pecados de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las naciones, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl los necesitaba bautizados del Mar Rojo, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, integr$(D??(Bndose a la humanidad entera, perdida ya en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, esperando regresar al cielo para amar, servir y honrar su santo nombre infinitamente. Realmente, cuando nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo fue clavado sobre la cruz del monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, entonces cada hijo suyo de generaciones pasadas y futuras entr$(D??(B a su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo con nuestro Padre celestial sobreponiendo su rostro sant$(D??(Bsimo sobre su Hijo Jesucristo, san$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, sanando seguidamente a todos instant$(D??(Bneamente, declar$(D??(Bndolos finalmente: perfectos y santos en la vida eterna sin pecado alguno y eternamente justificados.
Naturalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba la sangre purificadora de su Hijo Jesucristo derram$(D??(Bndose sobre la cruz del monte Sion, en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba no solamente que su Hijo amado sane junto con sus hijos de la humanidad entera, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesitaba derramarla, derrotando a Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte y el infierno, al velo del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo rasgarse de arriba hacia abajo. Esto significa, que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente recibi$(D??(B la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo sobre la cruz en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, quitando as$(D??(B el pecado del cielo, como la gloria angelical y el para$(D??(Bso y dem$(D??(Bs lugares, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesitaba su sangre reparadora en su forma escrita (sus Diez Mandamientos), corriendo por la tierra entera con riquezas interminables para su reino venidero $(D??(Bltimamente.
Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo, salpicando en su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, que fue su santuario, su Templo, su sinagoga, en donde $(D??(Bl empez$(D??(B a celebrar sus S$(D??(Bbados con Israel antiguo llevando la humanidad entera con $(D??(Bl, pero igualmente con huestes angelicales, entonces riquezas empezaron a derramarse sobre la tierra entera para su reino venidero. En otras palabras, al nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Hijo Jesucristo clavado sobre la cruz, como Israel antiguo y con la humanidad entera de generaciones pasadas y futuras, entonces, el pecado fue quitado, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolos as$(D??(B a todos juntos continuamente, adem$(D??(Bs, declar$(D??(Bndolos perfectos y santos inmediatamente la cortina del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo cay$(D??(B hacia abajo, liberando riquezas, y la tierra entera reciba su reino venidero finalmente.
Por lo tanto, lo que nuestro Padre celestial logr$(D??(B con Israel antiguo y con las naciones, rescatadas del desierto de Sina$(D??(B de muerte eterna, teniendo a su Hijo Jesucristo con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo caminando con ellos hacia conquistas de postes del infierno, comiendo man$(D??(B y bebiendo de la roca, entonces, el pecado fue removido, bendiciendo la gloria celestial para derramar riquezas sobre la tierra entera siempre. Por todo ello, t$(D??(B puedes ser bendecido hoy en d$(D??(Ba junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, ya sean musulmanes, isl$(D??(Bmicos, hind$(D??(Bs, tao$(D??(Bstas, sinto$(D??(Bsmo, cristianos, hebreos y otros igualmente del mundo entero, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote t$(D??(B as$(D??(B con riquezas, nacidas contigo ya cuando sal$(D??(Bas de la imagen sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial para enriquecer su santo nombre fuegos, viviendo siempre enriquecido toda una vida entera.
Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial ha bendecido la gloria angelical con la carne y la sangre sin pecados de Isaac, emergiendo de $(D??(Bl mismo del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, haciendo que tus pecados salgan de tu vida enteramente, gozando finalmente de riquezas descendiendo del cielo continuamente hacia ti, pero contigo bautizado en agua para recibirlas—de modo contrario, t$(D??(B jam$(D??(Bs conocer$(D??(Bs riquezas. Riquezas descendiendo hacia ti desde d$(D??(Bas de Jos$(D??(B en Egipto, cuando nuestro Padre celestial le entreg$(D??(B dos sue$(D??(Bos a Fara$(D??(Bn, que necesitaban ser interpretados, liberando as$(D??(B riquezas hacia ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque estas riquezas, poderes y glorias t$(D??(B mismo estabas supuesto a gozarlas en la gloria angelical para honrar su santo nombre fuegos, pero Santas te expuls$(D??(B hacia la tierra.
Satan$(D??(Bs logr$(D??(B removerte del para$(D??(Bso y de la gloria angelical enteramente, y t$(D??(B no conozcas riquezas, poderes y glorias que te pertenecen a ti leg$(D??(Btimamente, as$(D??(B como cuando t$(D??(B nac$(D??(Bas de nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para ser uno con ellos, conociendo el bien y el mal, que son riquezas, poderes, glorias y alegr$(D??(Bas sin fin una vida entera. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Israel antiguo con la humanidad entera mordidos por serpientes venenosas sobre postes infernales, esperando al Mes$(D??(Bas clavado sobre postes celestiales del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, en su Templo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, como el S$(D??(Bbado eterno de su sinagoga, en donde t$(D??(B mismo entraste con tus amados, unido a $(D??(Bl con riquezas insondables, amando su santo nombre nuevamente en su gloria angelical eternamente.
Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn desde que Lucifer tuvo a la humanidad entera expulsada del para$(D??(Bso para que no gocen riquezas que nacieron consigo, como cuando ellos mismos sal$(D??(Ban de nuestro Padre celestial para amar, servir y honrar su santo nombre, entonces, nosotros hemos recibido la carne sin pecados y con poderes del Juramento a Isaac para regresar al cielo, pero bautizados en agua, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo integrados ya con la humanidad entera, que con ellos mismos hab$(D??(Ban vivido una generaci$(D??(Bn por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, comiendo man$(D??(B y bebiendo de la roca, entonces esto sucedi$(D??(B as$(D??(B, vi$(D??(Bndolos ya clavados a la cruz con el Mes$(D??(Bas entrando a la sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, celebrando este S$(D??(Bbado eterno con riquezas interminables, enriqueciendo la tierra entera siempre.
Efectivamente, ya que Israel antiguo con la humanidad entera volvieron, celebrando la vida, el S$(D??(Bbado eterno y la Pascua, entonces, ellos lo lograron todo en la sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, celebrando as$(D??(B cada S$(D??(Bbado siempre, enriqueciendo seguidamente la tierra entera, como sus naciones natales, con riquezas nacidas con ellos mismos abundantemente de nuestro Padre celestial para gozarlas diariamente con sus amados siempre en la eternidad. Este gran S$(D??(Bbado, empez$(D??(B con Israel antiguo y la humanidad entera sobre postes infernales, mientras esperaban por el Mes$(D??(Bas, clavado sobre la cruz, postes del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, regresaron al cielo, entonces, fue todo posible con la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo, derram$(D??(Bndola sobre tierra santa en la sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, removiendo el pecado, entreg$(D??(Bndonos vida eterna, derrotando a Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados y la muerte siempre.
Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo clavado sobre la cruz, llev$(D??(Bndolos hacia su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, en donde $(D??(Bl mismo vive con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, como la gloria angelical y el para$(D??(Bso, entonces, fue derramada la sangre expiatoria en tierra santa, que hab$(D??(Ba derrotado a Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados y su rebeli$(D??(Bn sobre el santo nombre fuegos, y sus hijos lo alaben, bendici$(D??(Bndolo siempre. Efectivamente, al nuestro Padre celestial tener la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre el pecado, Satan$(D??(Bs y la muerte en tierra sant$(D??(Bsima del Lugar Santo, recibi$(D??(Bndolos nuevamente en el cielo angelical, entonces, $(D??(Bl lo hizo para tener su santo nombre fuegos amado, servido y honrado por sus hijos en el mismo cielo, finalmente enriqueci$(D??(Bndolos grandemente hasta que su reino venga al mundo.
Sin embargo, como ya todos conocemos, que Satan$(D??(Bs intent$(D??(B derramar la sangre reparadora del Mes$(D??(Bas, poseyendo poderes del Juramento a Isaac para derrotarlo a $(D??(Bl, pecados, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y el infierno tormentoso no en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, como en el Templo, la sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, pero m$(D??(Bs bien el intent$(D??(B derramarla en tierra de Cana$(D??(Bn, en donde no hay pecados para remover. Seguidamente, Satan$(D??(Bs llev$(D??(B al Mes$(D??(Bas sobre lo alto de la sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, que es la sinagoga, en donde el muy necesitado S$(D??(Bbado eterno emerger$(D??(Ba de postes infernales con Israel antiguo y la humanidad entera: viviendo nuevamente no solamente para remover el pecado del cielo y del para$(D??(Bso, pero igualmente de la tierra entera, cuando la cortina del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo cay$(D??(B a tierra finalmente.
Ahora, Satan$(D??(Bs tom$(D??(B al Mes$(D??(Bas sobre lo alto del Templo en Jerusal$(D??(Bn, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba que el salvador derramase su sangre reparadora sobre tierra cananea, afuera de la sinagoga, desde donde el S$(D??(Bbado eterno seria celebrado por sus hijos hebreos, bendiciendo grandemente familias de las naciones enteramente, porque $(D??(Bl quer$(D??(Ba ver la sangre expiatoria salpicar afuera del Templo, en donde no hay pecado para remover. Satan$(D??(Bs tambi$(D??(Bn tuvo a nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo sobre un monte muy alto alrededor de Jerusal$(D??(Bn con gente lista para empujarlo hacia el precipicio, salpicando su sangre salvadora con poderes para quitar el pecado del cielo y del para$(D??(Bso, la tierra y de sus hijos en tierra cananea, en donde no hay pecado para remover, y as$(D??(B, el S$(D??(Bbado eterno no sea celebrado cada semana jam$(D??(Bs.
Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba remover el pecado del cielo, clavando a su Hijo Jesucristo sobre su cruz, saliendo de $(D??(Bl mismo, como semilla santa, regresando luego a $(D??(Bl en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo con sus hijos, llev$(D??(Bndolos hacia glorias, y el pecado abandone la gloria, en donde Lucifer pec$(D??(B con $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos sobre su santo nombre, finalmente honr$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl y a su nombre perpetuamente. Indudablemente, si Satan$(D??(Bs logra que Jesucristo derrame su sangre reparadora desde lo alto del Templo, porque dici$(D??(Bndole al Mes$(D??(Bas, si eres Hijo de Dios l$(D??(Bnzate hacia abajo, salpicando sangre reparadora en tierra donde no hay pecado jam$(D??(Bs, porque el pecado no es posible all$(D??(B para siempre, adem$(D??(Bs es el dulce hogar de sus hijos, entonces riquezas Sabatinas hubieren fallado siempre sobre la tierra entera.
Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que haber tenido ya a su Hijo Jesucristo derramando de su sangre reparadora victoriosa sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados, maldiciones, enfermedades, conflictos, muertes, pobrezas y el infierno en el cielo, para $(D??(Bl celebrar su primer S$(D??(Bbado eterno con Israel antiguo y su humanidad entera consigo, entrando finalmente al Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, y no a Cana$(D??(Bn, celebrando cada S$(D??(Bbado invictamente, enriqueciendo la tierra grandemente siempre. A tiempo, Jos$(D??(B interpret$(D??(B dos sue$(D??(Bos de Fara$(D??(Bn sobre siete vacas gordas y hermosas emergiendo del r$(D??(Bo, y esto es el bautismo en su santo nombre, junto con siete vacas feas y flacas emergiendo del r$(D??(Bo, y esto es tambi$(D??(Bn bautismo en el nombre de la bestia, que es el 666, comi$(D??(Bndose las vacas gordas y hermosas, finalmente destruyendo la tierra entera con hambre mortal.
Hoy, con la casa de Israel bautizada en agua, invocando su santo nombre fuegos, entonces riquezas fluir$(D??(Bn del S$(D??(Bbado eterno, como del Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo con su cortina ca$(D??(Bda al suelo, recibiendo la tierra entera riquezas sin fin, sin embargo, la vacas feas estar$(D??(Bn bautizas en el nombre de la bestia, que es el 666, deteniendo el S$(D??(Bbado eterno de enriquecer la tierra entera finalmente. La soluci$(D??(Bn al problema es regresar familias brujas a sus tierras, porque ellos no pertenecen en Cana$(D??(Bn, que es tierra santa, que necesita ser liberada de brujer$(D??(Bas cotidianas de todas ellas: pues, con Cana$(D??(Bn liberada: entonces fluye con leche y miel junto con conocimiento del Se$(D??(Bor, inteligencia, sabidur$(D??(Ba, sanidad y otras dulzuras, endulzando cada familia en la tierra entera, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolas hasta ver su reino llegar.
Y el segundo sue$(D??(Bo, interpretado por Jos$(D??(B, es de siete espigas emergiendo de un tronco (la cruz), torn$(D??(Bndose feas (como huesos secos), comi$(D??(Bndose a espigas buenas (la carne sin pecados), y esto es tambi$(D??(Bn siete a$(D??(Bos de riquezas con siete a$(D??(Bos de pobreza, porque espigas feas se comen a espigas buenas (Jesucristo), que son las naciones, rescatadas por Israel antiguo del desierto de Sina$(D??(B. Misericordiosamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Mois$(D??(Bs liderando a Israel antiguo hacia aguas amargas de Mara, endulz$(D??(Bndolas con su $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca, lanzado por Mois$(D??(Bs en ellas, entonces, endulzaron las naciones para Israel antiguo beb$(D??(Brselas; torn$(D??(Bndose todos ellos como uno, comieron man$(D??(B del cielo y bebieron de la roca para regresar al para$(D??(Bso: amando, sirviendo y honrando su santo nombre finalmente por riquezas eternas.
Considerando que, Israel antiguo fracas$(D??(B en entrar a Cana$(D??(Bn inicialmente, porque diez esp$(D??(Bas israelitas entregaron un reporte negativo de Cana$(D??(Bn, mientras Caleb y Josu$(D??(B dieron un reporte positivo, por ello, Israel antiguo entrar$(D??(Ba a Cana$(D??(Bn postreramente, pero solamente por el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo con la humanidad entera habiendo comido del man$(D??(B y bebido de la roca, finalmente honrando su santo nombre en el cielo hasta siempre. Razonablemente, al Israel antiguo con la humanidad entera ser clavado al Mes$(D??(Bas sobre su cruz, entonces ellos fueron granos horribles, saliendo del Valle de los huesos secos, comiendo granos hermosos, cuando su Hijo virgen, Jesucristo, fue pan y vino para vivir nuevamente en cada S$(D??(Bbado celebrado en el cielo, y celebrado en la tierra igualmente, enriqueciendo a sus hijos (t$(D??(B, gentil y hebreo) con salvaci$(D??(Bn perfecta. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
The ugly kernels are His children born to eat the godly kernels: The Father$B!G(Bs bread and wine (His Son Jesus Christ):
Mercifully, the families of the nations had been born already throughout the earth and our heavenly Father hungered to eat and drink with them from His fruit, from the tree of life, at the epicenter of paradise that He had called Adam and Eve to eat from it, thus, He may eat with them life bringing love, glories and honor to His holy name fires. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to eat with His children, as Adam and Eve with the children, from His meal always enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as His divine family well known throughout the angelical kingdom, so He may grow with them with great richness unseen by anyone before, and the time was ripe to conquer them altogether.
Moreover, our heavenly Father longed to eat with His children from His glory always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, but this time He was looking forward to see a greater kingdom, where He will be loved and enriched by His children through a new earth that only eats and drinks from Him through endless ages. Therefore, once our heavenly Father gave birth to Adam and then Eve with the children, immediately not only Adam was called with Eve to eat from the fruit of life instead of the forbidden fruit, but also the children were called, because He needed to eat with them from His life, as the bread and wine enjoyed always with His Son and His Spirit.
Definitively, our heavenly Father was ready to create new things unseen (and never thought) before, replacing the old ones contaminated with Lucifer$B!G(Bs sin that one third of the angelical host had believed to rebel against His holy name fires in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, thus He needed to create a new kingdom where His children will eat from Him never to know sin through eternity. For this will be a new kingdom where every one of His creations, as the angelical hosts and every man, woman and child born from His image and living-soul will eat from Him his bread and wine, where there is no sin possible throughout life, because of His new life emerging from His holy heart victorious against all-enemies will be filled with perfect holiness forever.
Really this will be a glorious life born from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart lived already with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, where there is no sin possible throughout eternity, because there is no darkness possible in Him, His children and the angelical hosts, thus there is no pain, infirmities, or bad feelings, but only love enriching us always through life. For this is the life that your heart has always searched for to live without ever find it in this world, because of the presence of witchcraft that people are doing without every understanding the evil that they are doing to themselves (and to others), therefore, you have failed to find it until you are reborn from the water to enter into it finally.
Understanding that, we were born from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs image, His living-soul and His holy heart, where sin has never existed through eternity until it was born from Lucifer$B!G(Bs wicked heart that needed to possess His holy name fires to do his will of darkness with powers that can only emanate from the Father through the earth, making your heart very happy always. Certainly, our heavenly Father granted you this glorious life through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, making your heart very happy always, because there is no sin with it and that can only exist within you as you may daily live within the Holy of Holiest, as His holy heart loving you only to know richness, peace, prosperity and endless-happiness throughout life.
Absolutely, our heavenly Father could establish His eternal life upon earth blessing His children fallen into Lucifer$B!G(Bs lie as Eve and later Adam believed through the serpent that needed them to eat from the forbidden fruit, so they will always fail to love, serve and honor His holy name fires throughout Creation; however, our Father had powers to help us return to life again. Therefore, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father had to start eating with every man, woman and child from His bread and from His cup of wine that is the manna from heaven above and His atoning-blood that had the power to remove sin but also to grant life, love and richness again to His children, thus they may return to life lastly.
Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to start eating from His bread and wine that is His Son Jesus Christ born upon earth that He needed to enter into a family willing to obey His voice, and this was Abraham and his wife Sarah with a barren-womb unable to bear a child: thus, they needed help from Him to have their child failing to come always. Timely, our heavenly Father was able to tell Abraham that his wife Sarah will be able to bear a child the following year that he was surprised to hear that a child was coming finally to his family that he could feel that greater days were coming for him and his loved ones, because now he had an heir to his great fortunes.
For our heavenly Father was able to please Abraham by having his wife Sarah with her barren-womb healed by His powers thus for the Holy Spirit to enter into her womb that had turned into His holy heart for His Son Jesus Christ to be born with the bread and wine that His children will eat often with Him through the coming generations. Indeed, this was the bread and wine giving birth not only to Isaac but also to Jacob and the twelve patriarchs of Israel that needed to be born somewhere upon earth, but timely they needed to descend to Canaan to live there until Satan will attack them with famine, because Satan needed to establish his kingdom of darkness with famine in those days.
Truly, this will be an everlasting famine afflicting human life throughout the earth not only with the families of those days but also for the children for coming generations, because Satan needed to establish his kingdom of darkness offending His holy name fires throughout eternity; however, our heavenly Father had Israel bringing richness upon earth, enriching humankind for His coming kingdom of endless-love. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to establish His amazing unfailing-love always felt for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity that the angelical hosts since they were created then they had learned to live with it to come to know love, powers and endless richness until now thus they may love, serve and honor His holy name fires with perfection always.
This is how, Lucifer along with one-third of the fallen angels learned about our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name fires and its amazing powers that it may display whenever necessary that they were impressed powerfully beyond their wildest imagination for the things that they could do with it that they needed to possess it, thus creating their dream kingdom controlling heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever into eternity. However, our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name fires could never depart from Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to become part of the angelical hosts, because it belongs within His divine family therefore Adam was born for Eve to have His children possessing it, creating a new earth that will be a new kingdom of His endless-love, powers and richness throughout eternity.
Still, for our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs children to possess His holy name fires with all its amazing daily powers displayed throughout the earth for millenniums to come, then, they had to have eaten from His tree of life that is His bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ could serve for them each day at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table through the coming generations. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Holy Spirit entering into Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb for Him to emerge from the lifeless-womb healed as His holy heart finally granting us Isaac with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that will restart life eternal upon earth, starting in Canaan, for His children to see life again soon forever enriched.
Frankly, our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham and Sarah eating from His bread and wine at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table, served always by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven$B!G(Bs glory for the angelical hosts to live a glorious life that pleases His holy heart blessing, honoring, loving and exalting His holy name fires, but also, now He could bless the earth entirely. For our heavenly Father could not only have Abraham$B!G(Bs promised children born to him through Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb healed as His holy heart for Isaac to be born in Canaan, but now, He can also have His children from the families of the nations reborn into His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood through water baptism by invoking His holy name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed Abraham$B!G(Bs children born from Isaac as Jacob in Canaan and later the eleven patriarchs of Israel born in Padan-Aram later to call them to return to live in the land that Jacob was born to begin to receive the richness from Canaan that they were going to take to a foreign land soon, Egypt, thus to enrich the earth. Really, our heavenly Father needed to start enriching the earth because Lucifer was determined to impoverish it by causing famine, a famine that would have wipe out human and animal life alike from the earth, and so, He had to have had already His sacred-flesh living in Canaan with its daily richness to enrich a foreign land that will destroy Satan$B!G(Bs famine always.
This is when, our heavenly Father had to have Joseph abandoning Canaan to be sold by his eleven brothers to a foreign caravan of Ishmaelite, for twenty pieces of silver that in turn they will sell him to Potifar an Egyptian captain of the guard for probably thirty pieces of silver, thus he may become second in command before Pharaoh in Egypt. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed Joseph as second in command in Egypt before Pharaoh, because Satan was determined to impoverish the entire human race thus to destroy every trace of Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in every man, woman and child from the families of the nations thus he may establish his kingdom of darkness with His children.
Really, Satan had plans of destruction for our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs children from humankind entirely thus destroying the flesh that with one water baptism miraculously by invoking His holy name fires$B!G(B perfect holiness then they may receive a powerful wash not only of their bodies but also of their hearts, souls, minds and human spirit making them perfect and holy, as He is into everlasting. For this is what our heavenly Father had revealed to Abraham, as He assured him that he must be perfect and holy as He is into eternity in heaven$B!G(Bs glory to enter eternal life, otherwise, he will always fail to see life with his children through the coming generations, and this is the call of water baptism for everyone around the world until now.
That is correct: This was our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs call to Abraham to become reborn to see life again with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because he along with the children promised to become Israel but also the other nations promised to him from the gentiles will fail to see life unless they obey His call to become baptized in water. Therefore, Satan needed to stop every man, woman and child from been baptized in water, starting with Abraham and his promised children by impoverishing the earth entirely before they will awake to this truth to obey our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs call for water baptism that He had established with Abraham for him to become perfect and holy, as He is forever into eternity.
Impoverishing the earth means that Satan along with the fallen angels was willing to stop water flowing throughout the earth thus causing famine because every crop will fail to harvest causing people to suffer the lack of water and food that all life human and animal alike will cease to exist eventually; consequently, no water for the water baptism unless they headed towards the beach. However, our heavenly Father needed to have Joseph interpreting Pharoah$B!G(Bs dream of the seven good looking fatten cows along with the seven ugly skinny ones that were about to swallow not just the good-looking ones but also the families of the nations thus to kill every life human and animal alike to start his kingdom of darkness, dishonoring His holy name fires throughout eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed a force stopping Satan along with the fallen angels and death from impoverishing the earth, because he was ready to destroy every man, woman and child by just causing them to lack all things besides water and food, and so, they will bow to him and his wicked name instead of our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name fires in Canaan. Really, our heavenly Father had Canaan filled with richness that has never been seen in heaven$B!G(Bs glory by the angelical hosts nor by humankind upon earth much less by Satan and his fallen angels that will destroy Satan and his kingdom of darkness, thus to establish His greater kingdom that will enrich Creation entirely as it has never known richness before.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed Joseph as His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood living already in Egypt to interpret Pharaoh$B!G(Bs two dreams that one was about seven good-looking cows and seven ugly looking ones coming out the river baptized in water, the good-looking ones baptized in His holy name fires while the ugly skinny ones baptized in the name of the beast. The beast that needs to destroy the earth with a terrible famine ordered by Satan and death certainly to impoverish humankind thus destroying man and animal$B!G(Bs life alike, for our heavenly Father to fail to establish His sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that really enriches daily humankind, because His richness descends continually from heaven above upon every child baptized in water already.
Also, our heavenly Father needed Pharaoh$B!G(Bs second dream interpreted about the seven kernels that were growing in the branch that became ugly looking and dried by the eastern wind that is as hot as hell$B!G(Bs torment, however, from the same branch emerged good looking kernels that were eaten by the ugly looking ones; both dreams had the same meaning of poverty and destruction for humankind. Certainly, the first dream meant that our heavenly Father was going to have ancient Israel abandoning Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to become baptized at the Red Sea by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, thus they may enter into the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to find the entire human race lost forever already to become one with them in His holy-seed.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel craving for water deep in the desert after three days walk without finding any until they complained to Moses, as complaining to our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, to give them to drink; and so, Moses was told to follow the Lord towards a tree lying next to the bitter water of Marah. Moses was told to pick up the tree with his hands to walk with it to the bitter waters thus sweetening them as he will throw it into them, for these bitter waters were the ancient and modern nations bitter because of sin, but they could be sweetened by the tree for Israel to drink them thus becoming instantly one holy-seed with them forever.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel along with the nations that they had drunk from the sweetened bitter waters now eating His bread the manna from heaven above, but also, they needed to drink from the rock of salvation thus they will never thirst and hunger again, because they were becoming an eternal tree, His cross, bearing His holy name fires forever in Canaan. Really, these were the days that our heavenly Father was looking forward to live with His children from Israel along with ancient and modern families of the nations, by eating and drinking with them His bread and wine from heaven above thus for them to see life again soon in Canaan, for His holy name fires everlasting glories throughout the earth finally.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to enrich every man, woman and child from the families of the nations along with the entire house of Israel from heaven above, His manna that He will eat normally with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table, because they were entering soon without sin into paradise, the Holy of Holiest, in Canaan. For our heavenly Father collected every sin from the past and the future from the families of the nations that were lying already in hell$B!G(Bs torment but also for the children that were coming through the generations to descend forever cursed by sin and evil never to see life again but only death and poverty well into all eternity to come.
Therefore, once our heavenly Father had baptized ancient Israel that had collected every sin ever committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through past and future generations, then, He could reduce the seven years of richness descending from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, combating the seven years of famine emerging from hell$B!G(Bs torment, for the earth to be saved finally with daily lasting-richness. Really, our heavenly Father needed to reduce His holy heart$B!G(Bs richness that poured upon Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood from hell$B!G(Bs gate to ascend through heaven$B!G(Bs gate into the Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, because His eternal Sabbath that enriches the earth needed to be celebrated through the coming Sabbath until His kingdom of love, powers and endless-richness may finally come.
Definitely, our heavenly Father needed the earth enriched from hell$B!G(Bs gate, as the Valley of the dried bones with Israel waiting with humankind to be nailed with the King Messiah to the tree that once lied next to bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by Moses, finally entering paradise and heaven as the Holy of Holiest, in His Temple, the House of Prayer for the nations. Lovingly, for our heavenly Father had executed everything necessary to remove sin from humankind and the earth, for He needed ancient Israel with every ancient and modern man, woman and child from the nations entering paradise and heaven$B!G(Bs glory through the Holy of Holiest, because sin started there against Him and His holy name fires; thus, He needed sin removed from heaven above first.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed sin removed from heaven$B!G(Bs glory first followed by paradise, because in heaven Lucifer rebelled against His holy name fires with one-third of the angels, furthermore, he had the serpent from Eden deceiving Eve and Adam along with the children by eating the forbidden fruit, so they will fail to love, serve and honor His holy name with lasting-richness in heaven. Given that, Lucifer started his rebellion against our heavenly Father and His holy name fires, so it will fail to be loved, served and honored by His children born from His image and living-soul through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because as He was giving life to mankind then He said let us descend and make man as one of us.
For our heavenly Father did not want to create any more angels instead He wanted to have His children born from His image and His living-soul, so they will love, serve and honor His holy name fires with His perfection and holiness, thus to conquer richness, glories and powers never touched by sin in heaven$B!G(Bs glory and throughout His Creation, as the earth, for example. Therefore, Lucifer needed to remove mankind from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, so they will fail to become as perfect and holy as He is with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because He did say let us create man as one of us knowing good and evil thus for them to possess His holy name fires with its amazing great daily powers through life.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel not only collecting every sin from every man, woman and child from the nations, but also, He needed them baptized through the Red Sea, by invoking His name$B!G(Bs perfect holiness, to become one with humankind lost already in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert waiting to return to heaven$B!G(Bs glory to love, serve and honor His holy name forever. Really, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross at Jerusalem mountaintop, in Canaan, then, every man, woman and child from the past and future generations entered the Holy of Holiest with our heavenly Father placing His holy face over His beloved Son to heal them instantly thus declaring His children perfect and holy in eternal life without sin and forever justified.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood shedding over the cross at Jerusalem mountaintop, within the Holy of Holiest, because He needed not only His Son healed along with the children from humankind, but also, He needed to spill it defeating Satan, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment throughout the earth, as the Holy of Holiest$B!G(Bs curtain ripped from top to bottom. This means that our heavenly Father not only received His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood shedding over the cross within the Holy of Holiest thus to remove sin from holy grounds as heaven$B!G(Bs glory and paradise along with other heavenly places, but also, He needed His atoning-blood in its written form (His Law) running throughout the earth with endless-richness for His coming kingdom of love lastly.
That is to say, that as our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood spilled within the Holy of Holiest that was His sanctuary, His Temple, His synagogue, where He started to celebrate His Sabbath with ancient Israel carrying the entire human race but also the angelical hosts from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, then richness began pouring upon earth entirely for His soon coming kingdom. In other words, as our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross as ancient Israel with humankind from past and future generations, then, sin was removed thus enriching them continuously moreover once everyone was declared perfect and holy immediately the Holy of Holiest$B!G(Bs curtain tore down yielding richness to fill the earth continually until His kingdom may finally come.
Therefore, everything that our heavenly Father had done with ancient Israel and humankind saved from the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert certain death into eternity by having His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit walking with them towards conquering hell$B!G(Bs gate by eating from the manna and drinking from the rock of salvation, then, sin was removed blessing heaven$B!G(Bs glory to pour nonstop richness upon earth finally. Therefore, you may be blessed nowadays with great richness descending daily from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, because this richness belongs to you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, whether they are Muslims, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Shinto, Christians, Hebrews and others on earth, thus you may be enriched with richness born with you to enrich His holy name fires to live enriched always throughout life.
Now, our heavenly Father has blessed heaven$B!G(Bs glory along with paradise with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood emerging from Him by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers through Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb, so your sins may be removed from your life to enjoy richness descending from heaven$B!G(Bs glory constantly towards you, but you must be baptized in water to receive them—otherwise, you will fail to know richness. Richness coming towards you since Joseph$B!G(Bs days in Egypt as our heavenly Father gave two dreams to Pharaoh that needed interpretation thus to release them (richness) towards you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because these richness, powers and glories you were supposed to enjoy in heaven$B!G(Bs glory to honor His holy name fires, but Satan had you removed to earth.
Satan had you removed from paradise and heaven$B!G(Bs glory entirely so you will always fail to know the richness, powers and glories that belong to you as you were born initially from our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to become as one of them knowing good and evil that is richness, powers, glories and happiness without end through life. Really, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with humankind already bitten by poisonous snakes to hell$B!G(Bs gate, waiting for the Messiah nailed to heaven$B!G(Bs gate as the Holy of Holiest in Jerusalem$B!G(Bs Temple, the Synagogue$B!G(Bs Sabbath, where you needed to enter with loved ones to become one with the Father and His endless-richness to love His holy name fires forever again in heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
That is to say, also that since Lucifer had mankind kicked out from paradise so they will fail to enjoy richness born with them as they emerged from our heavenly Father to love, serve and honor His holy name fires, then, we were given Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh with the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers to return to heaven$B!G(Bs glory baptized in water, in Canaan. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had to have had ancient Israel with humankind entirely that they had lived with through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert by eating the daily manna and drinking from the rock of salvation, then, this was done for them nailed to the cross with the king Messiah to enter Jerusalem$B!G(Bs Synagogue to celebrate Sabbath forever with endless-richness, enriching the earth always forever.
Given that, once ancient Israel with humankind returned celebrating life, Sabbath and the Passover then they did it in Jerusalem$B!G(Bs Synagogue to celebrate every Sabbath thus enriching the earth entirely with richness born with them abundantly from our heavenly Father to enrich greatly His new earth filled with love, powers and endless happiness for the families of the nations to enjoy always through eternity. This great Sabbath that started with ancient Israel and humankind at hell$B!G(Bs gate while waiting for the Messiah nailed to the cross, as the Holy of Holiest$B!G(Bs gate accessing heaven$B!G(Bs glory and paradise, then, it was done with His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood shedding in holy ground at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs synagogue to remove sin granting us eternal life defeating Satan, sin and death forever.
Truly, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross leading towards the Holy of Holiest, where He lives with His Holy Spirit, as heaven$B!G(Bs glory and paradise, then, it was to shed the atoning-blood in holy ground that had defeated Satan, sin and his rebellion against His holy name fires, for His children to love, exalt and bless it forever always. Surely, by our heavenly Father having His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood victorious over sin, Satan and death in holy ground as the Holy of Holiest leading towards heaven$B!G(Bs glory and paradise, then, He did it to have His holy name fires loved, served and honored by His children in heaven, thus enriching them greatly each day until His kingdom may come finally on earth.
However, as we already know perfectly that Satan tried to have the King Messiah shedding the atoning-blood that had the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers to defeat him, sin, fallen angels, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment not in the Holy of Holiest as the Temple, Jerusalem$B!G(Bs synagogue, but instead he tried to have it shed to Canaan$B!G(Bs ground, where there is no sin to remove. Satan took the King Messiah to the top of the Temple in Jerusalem that is the Synagogue, where the much-needed eternal Sabbath needed to emerge from hell$B!G(Bs gate with ancient Israel and humankind returning to life again not only to remove sin from heaven$B!G(Bs glory and paradise, but also, from the earth as the Holy of Holiest$B!G(Bs curtain was torn from top to bottom.
Now, Satan took the Messiah to the top of the Temple in Jerusalem because he needed him to shed the atoning-blood to Canaan$B!G(Bs grounds, right outside the synagogue from where the eternal Sabbath was going to become celebrated by His children throughout the families of the nations, because he wanted to see the atoning-blood spilling outside the Temple, where there is no sin to remove. Satan also had our Lord Jesus Christ at one mountaintop in Jerusalem with people ready to push him over the side, so he may spill the atoning-blood with powers to remove sin from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, paradise, the earth and from the children in Canaan$B!G(Bs ground, where there is no sin to remove, so the eternal Sabbath will fail to be celebrated each week.
Really, our heavenly Father needed sin removed from heaven$B!G(Bs glory by having His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross born from Him as the holy-seed thus returning to Him in the Holy of Holiest leading to glory, for sin to abandon glory, where Lucifer sinned along with the fallen angels against His name thus finally honoring Him and His holy name fires forever. Confidently, if Satan had managed to have our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood from the Temple$B!G(Bs top, because he said to him if you are God$B!G(Bs Son throw yourself down, spilling Canaan$B!G(Bs ground with no sin to remove, because there is no sin possible there for his atoning-blood, for it is His home-sweet-home with His children, then Sabbath$B!G(Bs richness would have failed forever.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood victorious against Satan, sin, curses, infirmities, maladies, conflicts, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment in heaven, so He may celebrate His first eternal Sabbath with Israel and humankind entering into it, because they entered the Holy of Holiest and not Canaan, thus every Sabbath is celebrated successfully enriching the earth greatly finally. Timely, our heavenly Father had Joseph interpreting Pharaoh$B!G(Bs two dreams about the good-looking fatten cows emerging from the river, and this is baptism in His holy name, along with the ugly-looking ones emerging from the river, and this is also baptism but in the beast$B!G(Bs name that is the 666 to eat the good-looking cows thus finally to destroy the earth with famine.
These days, with the entire house of Israel baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires then richness will flow from the Sabbath, as the Holy of Holiest curtain was torn from top to bottom to fill earth with everlasting-richness, however, the ugly-looking cows are baptized with the beast$B!G(Bs name that is the 666 to stop the Sabbath from enriching earth finally. The solution to this problem is returning the Satanists families to their homeland, because they do not belong in Canaan that is holy ground that needs deliverance from witchcraft families$B!G(B daily darkness, thus for it to flow with milk and honey along with knowledge of the Lord, intelligence, wisdom, healing and other sweetness sweetening every family throughout the earth, enriching them until kingdom comes.
For the second dream that Joseph interpreted refers to seven kernels emerging from the branch (the cross) that became ugly (dried bones) eating the good-looking kernels (sacred-flesh), and this is also the seven years of richness with the seven years of famine, because the ugly-looking kernels eating the good-looking kernels (Jesus) are the families of the nations that ancient Israel rescued at the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert. Mercifully, our heavenly Father had Moses leading ancient Israel to the bitter waters of Marah to sweeten them with a tree lying nearby, thrown by Moses into it, then sweeten the nations for Israel to drink them; thus, as one they ate manna from above and drank from the rock to return to paradise: loving, serving and honoring His holy name fires finally for lasting-richness.
Considering that, ancient Israel failed to enter Canaan at first, because the ten Israeli spies gave a bad report about Canaan, while Caleb and Joshua gave a good report, and so, now ancient Israel was going to enter Canaan but only through the Holy of Holiest with the entire human race finally to honor His holy name fires forever in heaven$B!G(Bs glory until now. Therefore, as ancient Israel with humankind was nailed to the Messiah$B!G(Bs cross then they were the ugly-looking kernels, because they were the Valley of the dried bones, eating the good-looking kernels as His virgin Son Jesus Christ gave them bread and wine to see life again on every Sabbath celebrated in heaven$B!G(Bs glory but also on earth, thus enriching His children (you) finally with lasting-salvation. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? Or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1
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