Artificial Insemination used for Immigration & Paternity Fraud
Artificial Insemination used for Immigration & Paternity Fraud and the
complete removal of this child's rights to a father.
This website is built in order to raise money for the legal costs for
saving this Black Male child named Baby X and to raise the issue of
how child support is being used for sponsoring both Immigration and
Paternity Fraud & destroying Black Families.
Baby X has been stripped of his rights to have a father, by the State
of New Jersey and Bergen County Courts, by a malicious plot involving
NJ Bergen County Family Court and the corrupt Judge Edward Torack, Dr.
Tanmoy Mukherjee, of the Mount Sinai Hospital/Reproductive Medical
Center of New York.
Baby X is a victim of a sinister plot by the ruling class to destroy
Black Families and Men using the false flag of Child Support system
and Women's Rights. Baby X was created during unauthorized artificial
insemination by Dr. Mukherjee and a Black Woman facing deportation for
defrauding a university in New York City. In order to avoid
deportation, Dr. Mukherjee and The Mother of Baby X conspired together
to take and illegally use the semen of a Black Male US Citizen in
order to perform an artificial insemination, and create an anchor
baby. They also conspired to victimize the said Black Male with the
responsibility of Child Support without his consent to an IVF.
During hearings at NJ Bergen County Family Court, Baby X's Father was
able to present a copy of Baby X's Mother's immigration records (which
should a history of immigration fraud conducted by Baby X's Mother)
and get Baby X's Mother to admit, under questioning, that she had the
child via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF.
Immediately after clear evidence was presented in the court, that Baby
X was created by an via Unauthorized Medical Experiment/IVF for the
purposes Immigration Fraud, the Father was completely banned from all
courts and all judges - by the corrupt Judge Edward Torack of NJ
Bergen County Family Court.
The court ban against the Father to Baby X includes the denial of the
following rights:
1) Ban against a "Request for a DNA test of all parties"
2) Access to appeal & any other judges/courts
3) Ban against visitation between Baby X and Father X.
4) Any modifications to Child Support, including a decrease in income
of Father X
5) Any ruling on evidence pertaining to immigration and paternity
fraud in the case.
The end result is to totally strip Father X from any rights to the
child except to shut up and pay. He did not have a right to say when
where and how to have a baby, and he did not have a right to have any
representation in court. And therefore the State of New Jersey has
stripped Baby X's right to have a Father!
The above claims in this case are well documented!
You can help save baby X by either sending a donation to the SAVE BABY
X defense fund or by sending a petition to the officials who have so
far refused to help SAVE BABY X's right to have a father.
Artificial Insemination used for Immigration & Paternity Fraud and the
complete removal of this child's rights to a father.
1230 Market Street
Number 252
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: 408-729-9171
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